Monday, September 30, 2019

In the Early Nineteenth Century Americans Sought

As time passed the rapidly changing society in the nineteenth century, in 1820 the north and south began to have serious conflicting problems that were proved unfixable by compromise. During this time, the north underwent major social, economic, and industrial changes known as the Antebellum Period. While the south generally clung to king cotton and slavery and thus remained essentially the same. This arose a manifold of controversies with how issues such as tariffs, slavery, and land should be handled.Both the Union and the Confederacy tried to create compromises to resolve these problems, yet both sides were never completely satisfied no matter how hard they tried. This made it very close to impossible for them to completely put their differences at ease. As the north began to grow more industrially, the south stuck to their farms that were mainly maintained by slaves. This brought up a difficult dispute with the matter of how tariffs should be handled.Since the north became indust rial, it was more efficient of them to impose tariffs on the country to better their economy. Because instead of the people of the north getting better deals purchasing goods from Europe, the higher tariffs made it harder and cost them more to do business with Europe, as result they purchased goods from local businesses. This proved to be a major problem for the south because the high tariffs levels threatened their cotton exports and goods imports from their main buyers and sellers, the Europeans.This angered the south because the tariffs favored the North by protecting them from foreign competition such as with the Tariff of Abominations, so called by the south, in 1828. The tariff forced the South to buy manufactured goods from U. S. manufacturers, mainly in the North, at a higher price, while southern states also faced a reduced income from sales of raw materials. But then the tariff of 1832 was addressed by Andrew Jackson to further lower the tariffs, but the south was still no t satisfied with this compromise and this lead to the nullification controversy.As a result of the threat of nullification, Henry Clay said it was impracticable for South Carolina to nullify and not smart to secede (Doc A). So he and John C. Calhoun proposed the Compromise Tariff of 1833 to further lower the rates gradually which still didn’t prove to achieve anything do to the fact of the Black Tariff of 1842 where tariffs were nearly doubled. Thus, ruling out compromise as a solution to their differences on the matter of tariffs. The economy of the north and south were so different the way they ran their usiness, it did not agree. One problem for the south is that the north wanted for them to free slaves or at least the to stop the expansion of it. Some of the north felt that it was morally unjust and that it went against the declaration of independence which stated â€Å"All men are created equal â€Å". But others like the Free-Soil Party viewed it as economically ineff icient and an obsolete institution. If slaves were emancipated their labor force and profit would disappear.And in the Anti-Slavery Society, they call slave holders â€Å"man stealers† and say that slavery is contrary to God’s law, which makes laws endorsing slavery invalid (Doc. B). The south demanded that all bills abolishing slavery be disregarded (Doc. C). The south saw the north barbaric for the work conditions and low wages their textile laborers were put through (Doc. F). The north and south had proposed many compromises to resolve this problem; but this couldn’t happen because the South’s profit came from their cotton exportation which was in the need of slaves.The North had made compromises even to stop the expansion of slavery such as the Missouri Compromise from 1819 to 1821, but it was viewed by some people such as Jefferson as a so called â€Å"fireball in the night† and was ruled by Supreme Court that Congress had no right to prohibit slavery in territories, as part of the decision in the Dred Scott case. Resulting again in another futile attempt to solve their differences through the method of compromise. The coexistence of a slave owning south with an increasingly anti-slavery north made conflict likely.It was formidable to decide whether such states like the ones gained from the Mexican War should be slavery or anti-slavery, which either way would disrupt the balance between the slave and antislavery states. This divided the Union and Confederacy even further. Later on, President Lincoln sought not to propose federal laws against slavery where it already existed, but he had in his 1858 House Divided speech, expressed a desire to â€Å"arrest the further spread of it â€Å"(Doc. G).Much of the political battle in the 1850s focused on the expansion of slavery into the newly created territories. All of the organized territories were likely to become free soil states which increased the southern movement toward secession. Both north and south assumed that if slavery could not expand it would become nonexistent. Southern fears of losing control of the federal government to anti-slavery forces, and northern feared that the slave power already controlled the government; these thoughts brought the sectional disagreements.The morality of slavery, the scope of democracy, and the economic merits of free labor versus slave plantations caused the Whig and know nothing parties to collapse and the free soil party to arrive, ruining the resolve of compromise. By the year 1860, there seemed to be no way that compromise could not possibly accomplish to peace among the south and the north. The north did not see how slavery could benefit anyone any longer, and the south felt the conditions that industrialization emerged were unacceptable and unlivable.As Politics further divided them, secession or war seemed to be inevitable and soon to come. This ended up creating the Civil War in 1861, an attempt of th e south to break away from the north to keep their beliefs and slavery alive. Unfortunately, this led them to their demise of surrender and forced them to form the United States of America with the north. Therefore, gradually ending slavery and all of contentions between the north and the south, and proving that compromises were a useless attempt of fulfilling this task.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Global Warming – Truth or Myth: Two Sides to Every Story

Global Warming–Truth or Myth: Two Sides to Every Story Summer 2010 Part I (Thesis): Global Warming: A Natural Occurrence There are always two sides to every story and every different point of view has a right to be heard. When it comes to the discussion of global warming—a gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature—there are two very distinct and opposing points of view. The world seems to be split between global warming being caused by humans and it being a natural occurrence; the latter being the viewpoint that I strongly support due to the evidence I will present in detailin this paper. In contrast, I will also discuss, in Part II, the â€Å"anti-thesis† or the opposing viewpoint that humans are actually the cause of thisglobal warming phenomenon. Finally, in Part III of my paper, I will synthesize both viewpoints and discuss in great depth through much evidence as to why I believe global warming to be a natural occurrence that has happened and will continue to happen at different periods of time until the end of days. The first reason is that global warming comes and goes. The earth naturally heats up and cools down. Thirty years ago, we thought the biggest threat was global cooling and now the biggest threat is global warming. Throughout history, there have been numerous cooling and warming periods and we are now going through one of those natural warming periods, which have reached the warming levels of the Medieval Warming Period our ancestors experienced in the past, which I will explain in more detail later in this paper. The cycle of global warming and cooling has been happening long before humans have occupied the Earth and will continue to happen long after we are gone; it is a nature cycle that cannot be broken. The second reason why global warming is a natural occurrence is because the sun is what warms the earth. When the sun gets hotter, it makes sense that we get hotter too and this goes vice versa. If the sun is cooler, we get cooler. The sun has several cycles and the main one we see is the 11-year cycle, which I will explain, in greater detail in the synthesis portion of this paper. When the sun gets hotter there are more rays heating the earth, so the earth gets hotter. If we are so positive that global warming is a man-made problem, explain why Mars is also warming at the same pace as the earth is. Like Earth, Mars has also experienced warming and cooling periods throughout its history. The changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on Earth and Mars; manmade greenhouse warming has made only a small contribution to the warming happening on Earth. The third reason why global warming is a natural occurrence is that manmade CO2 is not the main source of CO2 in the atmosphere. Again, this very interesting and intriguing fact will be furtherexplained later in this paper. I believe this will surprise you, once you read the facts regarding the sources of CO2; these factors were a highly significant reason that led me to oppose humans being the actual cause of global warming. In fact, the largest source of CO2 is the ocean (Broadgate, W. , et. al. , 2009). We only contribute 3. 5% of all CO2 in the atmosphere, while the other 96. 5% is released by natural sources. Therefore, as you see, the contribution of human made CO2 is very insignificant and has very little effect on global warming. In the end, you should be able to understand why global warming is not the result of mankind abusing the Earth, and that it is, in fact, a natural cycle that has been repeated throughout history. Global Warming comes and goes. The earth naturally heats up and cools down. Right now, we are going through a natural warming cycle, which will soon befollowed by a cooling cycle. The sun is always going to control how hot and how cool it is on the earth. Scientists need to consider this; if the sun is hotter, we experience hotter temperatures; and when the sun is cooler, we experience cooler temperatures. Global warming is also not being sped up by the carbon dioxide burned into the atmosphere by humans. We only contribute 3. 5% of all CO2 in the atmosphere, while the other 96. 5% is released by natural sources. There is no denying that global warming exists. Global warming is, unfortunately, a fact of our lives as humans, but humankind is simply not the cause. It is a natural occurrence and will continue to happen even after we are gone from the earth’s surface. Part II (Anti-Thesis): Global Warming: Caused By Humans Every year the average American produces over 22 metric tons of CO2 living a normal life (â€Å"What is Carbon Neutrality,† 2008); and the United States as a whole produces 6,049,435 metric tons of CO2 yearly (â€Å"List of Countries by CO2 Emissions,† 2010). This disturbing figure is the main cause of global warming and we have yet to take responsibility for our actions. There are many different theories of what has caused global warming and the answer is mankind. Humans are the cause of global warming because of pollution, over population, and deforestation. The first reason humans are the cause of global warming is because of pollution. Pollution is one of the biggest manmade causes of global warming and it comes in many shapes and sizes. The burning fossil fuel is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy, such as coal, oil and natural gas and when they are burned they give off a greenhouse gas called CO2 (Chughtai, 2008). We as humans release CO2 from power plants, cars, airplanes, and buildings. About 40% of U. S. CO2 emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation; about 33% of US CO2 emissions comes from the burning of gasoline in engines of cars; about 3. 5% of CO2 emissions comes from planes, and this figure could rise to 15% by 2050; while, buildings structure account for about 12% of carbon dioxide emissions (Chughtai, 2008). While CO2 is the major greenhouse gas, methane is second most important; methane is more than 20 times as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere (â€Å"Methane,† 2008). Mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. Methane is naturally in the ground. When coal or oil is mined, it has to be dug up from earth and when this is process is completed, you release the methane letting it escape into the atmosphere. With the increasing amounts of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere, humans are causing the intensification of the greenhouse effect known as global warming. The second reason why humans are the cause of global warming is because of over population. More people meanmore food, more methods of transportation, more power plants, and more buildings. That means more methane and CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere because there will be more burning of fossil fuels and more agriculture. Another source of methane is from manure. Since more food is needed to feed the rapidly growing population, we will have to raise food. Animals like cows are a good source of food, which means more manure and more methane emissions. We will also have to plant more crops to grow more food and plants release CO2 into the atmosphere as well. Another problem with the increasing population is transportation; more people mean more cars and more cars means more pollution. Lastly, over population causes city growth, which also admits CO2 into the atmosphere adding to the pollution. The third reason why humans are the cause of global warming isdeforestation. Deforestation is the second principle cause of atrophic CO2 and is responsible for 25-30% of all CO2 — 1. 6 billion tons — emission into the atmosphere (â€Å"Deforestation Causes Global Warming,† 2006). This is done by burning and cutting down 34 million arches of trees a year. Scientists are saying that one day of deforestation is equivalent to the carbon footprint of 8 million people flying to New York. Each year we are losing millions of acres of rainforests, the equivalent in area to the size of The United Kingdom (Specter, 2008). Trees are 50% carbon and when they are cut down or burned, the CO2they store escapes back into the air. The destroying of tropical forests alone is throwing hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Two billion tons of CO2 enters the atmosphere every year from deforestation and the remaining standing forests still emit a billion tons of CO2 a year (Specter, 2008). If we keep losing our forests at this rate, we will ultimately lose the battle against climate change. In conclusion, humans are the cause of global warming because of pollution, over population and deforestation. Global warming is a result of our human activity, not natural causes. Pollution, over population and deforestation all add to the large amounts of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere, which is increasing the rate of global warming. If we want to put an end to this global problem, we as a human race must limit our pollution, gain control of our population, and stop deforestation. If these three factors do not change, we will ultimately loose the battle of climate change. Part III: Synthesis – Global Warming: A Natural Occurrence I believe that global warming is happening due to natural causes, but I did not always feel this way. Two years ago, I took an English class and as an assignment, we had to do a debate. I missed the day that we were assigned our topics and I received the topic that global warming was happing due to natural causes. At the time, I did not agree, but after doing weeks of research, I changed my mind about global warming. Global Warming is a reoccurring phenomenon that has occurred throughout history since the beginning of time and will continue until the end of time. In fact, as I previously stated, we experienced a warming period during the Medieval Warm Period around 1100 AD when Vikings settled into Greenland and instead of the ice covered land, which fills Greenland’s vast territory today, it used to be green and the perfect place to grow crops (Keigwin, L. D. , 1996). In fact, grapes suitable for winemaking were also reported growing in England (1996); and the tree line in Scandinavia was 100–200 m higher than present (1996). This warming period was followed by a cooling period called the â€Å"Little Ice Age† from 1400 to 1850 AD that brought severe winters and cold summers to Europe (1996). Today we are enjoying global temperatures, which have warmed back to levels of the Medieval Warm Period; this means there is an ice age in our near future. The second premise that leads me to believe that global warming is a natural occurrence is the sun heating the earth. The sun is always going to control how hot and how cool it is on the earth. Scientists need to consider this. If the sun is hotter, we experience hotter temperatures; and when the sun is cooler, we experience cooler temperatures. The sun has several cycles and the main one we see is the 11-year cycle. â€Å"Every 11 years, the sun moves through a period of fewer, smaller sunspots, prominences, and flares – called a solar minimum – and a period of more, larger sunspots, prominences and flares – called a solar maximum† (â€Å"11 Year Cycle of Solar Storms Will Peak in Late 2011,† 2009). Right now we are currently at the minimum of this cycle, so the sun is in the process of increasing its heat output and we will experience a peak of heat in 2012 (â€Å"11 Year Cycle of Solar Storms Will Peak in Late 2011,† 2009). â€Å"In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide â€Å"ice caps† near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row† (Ravilious, K. , 2007). The most important greenhouse gas is water vapor, which makes up 95% of the world’s greenhouse gases. Without this amount of water vapor, the Earth would be too cold and no one could survive. Out of the other 5%, CO2 only makes up . 054% and 96. 5% of this . 054% are from natural sources, and mankind is responsible for only 3. 5% (Broadgate, W. , et. al. , 2009). A single volcano eruption emits more CO2 than all factories and manmade machinery. Moreover, animals and decaying vegetation gives off more 150 giga-tons of CO2 each year, while humans produce about 6. 5 giga-tons of CO2 a year (Broadgate, W. , et. al. , 2009). The largest source of CO2 is the ocean. As the ocean heats up it ives off CO2 into the atmosphere and when it cools down, it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere (2009). Since the Sun is getting hotter is gradually heating the Earth, the oceans are getting hotter thus letting out more CO2. The contribution of human made CO2 is very insignificant and can barely have an effect on global warming. In the end, you should be able to understand why global warming is not the resul t of mankind abusing the Earth, and that it is, in fact, a natural cycle that has been repeated throughout history. Global Warming comes and goes. The earth naturally heats up and cools down. Right now,we are going through a natural warming cycle, which will soon be followed by a cooling cycle. The sun is always going to control how hot and how cool it is on the earth. Scientists need to consider this. If the sun is hotter, we experience hotter temperatures; and when the sun is cooler, we experience cooler temperatures. Global warming is also not sped up by the carbon dioxide burned into the atmosphere by humans. We only contribute 3. 5% of all CO2 in the atmosphere, while the other 96. 5% is released by natural sources. There is no denying that global warming exists. It is a fact of our lives as humans, but mankind is not the cause of it. It is a natural occurrence that will continue to happen even after we are long gone from the earth’s surface. References 11 Year Cycle of Solar Storms Will Peak in Late 2011. (2009, December 3). The Student Operated Press (_The SOP_). Retrieved February 26, 2010, from http://thesop. org/story/science/2007/04/27/the-next-11-year-cycle-of-solar-storms-will-start-in-march-and-peak-in-late-2011. php Broadgate, W. , Caldeira, K. , Fabry. V. , Gattuso, J. P. , Haugan, Hood, M. , et al. (2009). Research Priorities for Ocean Acidification, report from the Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Monaco, October 6-9, 2008, convened by SCOR, UNESCO-IOC, IAEA, and IGBP, 25 pp. Retrieved February 27, 2010 from http://ioc3. unesco. org/oanet/HighCO2World. html Chughtai, O. (2008, November 2). Fossil fuels. Retrieved February 27, 2010, from http://www. umich. edu/~gs265/society/fossilfuels. htm Keigwin, L. D. (29 November 1996). The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea. Science 274 (5292), 1503. [DOI:10. 1126/science. 274. 5292. 1503].

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Literature Review Internet Essay

A Literature Review on: An Exploration of Internet Programming Technologies for Learning Wayne State University CSC5750 Principles of Web Technology Susan Genden Susan Genden aw0809 Abstract This literature review offers a commentary on programming applications specifically in the area of emerging online technologies for learning. Included is a brief history on the growth of these instructional technologies. We explore four literature reviews that discuss intelligent tutors (used on a one-to-one basis and in a collaborative environment), and virtual reality environments. These publications show students working online successfully in a range of learning situations, where students become more active learners and exercise various choices in the process. Intelligent tutors can be designed to adapt to individual learning styles, and to other learner characteristics. Virtual reality environments offer unique immersive learning experiences. Programmers and researchers are working diligently to develop custom intelligent solutions to online learning needs. Evaluations presented show positive results to date. Obstacles still remain to development in terms of costs and other factors. Implementation and research continue. Introduction Internet technologies are changing our lives and our educational systems (Sheybani, & Javidi, 2004). This literature review presents an overview of four articles on the development of technologies used in online computer based education. The articles reflect continuing change as technology advances become pervasive. Theories about learning environments, and programming and hardware capabilities continue to change. People want educational opportunities that provide flexibility in terms of access, time management, and control (Hooper, & Reinartz, 2002). Education online will indeed become even more accessible, more convenient, and there will be learning environments tailored to the learner’s choices (Jalobeanu, 2003). Educators will have to make the extra effort to keep online learning interesting (Porter, 2005). Researchers are working hard to meet increased programming needs. There are at least two threads of development that lead to our current state in online instruction. One reflects the development of artificial intelligence or AI. The other area reflects instructional technology changes. A few milestones in AI include: in the 1950s, Norbert Weiner discussed feedback 2 Susan Genden aw0809 loops such as the way thermostats measure temperature changes and adjust their settings. He said that intelligent behavior worked in the same way, and might be simulated by computers (www. thinkquest. org, 2006). Newell, Simon, and Shaw created the first artificial intelligence program, Logic Theorist, in 1955-56 (Stottlerhenke Associates, Inc. , 2006). In the 1960s, Eliza, a computer for language between people and computers, was developed, and used intelligent agents (Piramuthu, 2005). The other area of development became apparent in the 1950s, when IBM research teams created computer assisted instructional programs for public schools. People had high expectations for educational use that were not attained. This low level of development continued though the 1960s, 1970s (the PLATO system) and the 1980s. Also in the 1980’s, Papert developed the Logo programming language and children learned to develop simple programming skills (LeFrancois, 2006). By the mid 1980’s, computer use in the schools had expanded to 40% of United States elementary schools and almost twice that in the high schools. By the mid 1990s, computers were integrated primarily in word processing or drill and practice exercises (Reiser, 2002). Since 1995, with the growth of expanded capabilities in multimedia, bandwidth, and programming technologies, the use of the Internet for instruction expanded and enrollments increased. By 1998, 78% of public four-year colleges and universities offered online classes (Reiser).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Prescription drug costs in primary and secondary care Essay

Prescription drug costs in primary and secondary care - Essay Example For a long time, disease management programs have been developed by physicians. However, their involvement focuses naturally on the health care aspects. Reduction of the costs of care is often a beneficial by-product of such disease management programs. Reduction of cost in most cases is a secondary goal and, importantly, not always achieved. Since economic forces continue to be important drivers of health care policies and managed care programs, it is important for the physician to understand some aspects of medical economics - that there are certain vulnerable groups in the society who cannot afford the ever rising costs of prescription drugs. The concept of disease management is relevant to care needed by a population with a given disease, instead of focusing on individually taken decisions during multiple physician-patient interactions. Disease management principles have always been considered as health care principles; they were indeed adopted from the business world. However, health differs from money. One cannot trade health across time or between individuals, and it is not stable, but affected by illness severity. Moreover, many health outcomes are irreversible. Other aspects of a market-based approach do not fit well with health care, because most health risks are unique as noted by Dewar (2009). Individual values placed on those risks differ widely among individuals. Therefore, health can be converted to monetary terms only with difficulty (Netten and Curtis, 2002). Health care industry is so complex that economic evaluations are not easy even when estimated for a population. Cost identification or minimization analysis simply estimates the costs to produce an intervention. For disease management, this analysis is used to identify interventions where cutting costs would seem to have little impact on outcome, such as provision of drugs at lower costs. However, as simple as this seems, estimating costs of health care services can be very difficult, and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Assignment Example I have used both in my writing to give me as much information I could think of on the subject and express the scope of the elements that could be considered in writing. 3. The difference between free writing and focused free writing is in terms of focal point. Focused free writing centers one’s attention to a particular topic. In contrast, free writing is a prewriting strategy that lists just about anything that comes to mind. 4. The difference between a comparison and contrast paragraph is in the elements being compared: a comparison paragraph emphasizes similarities while a contrast paragraph emphasize differences. In a cause-and-effect paragraph, the focus is on why things happen (cause) and what happens as a result (effect). These paragraphs differ in approach as the cause and effect looks at historical information (root causes) and the outcome; while comparative analysis takes in a balanced perspective. 5. Defining simply states the precise meaning or specifying the natur e of the topic or subject being defined. Classifying, on the other hand, is an analytical technique that arranges or puts into order a subject or topic being evaluated. These kinds of analysis are similar in terms of the use of the information to detail, depict and describe. The difference between these two is in terms of arrangement or organizing process being created by the classification technique. 6. Since it was revealed that the difference between an analytical argument and persuasion is the selection of a specific audience, choosing an audience is deemed so important for persuasion because the nature of the arguments should be well understood by the audience being influenced or persuaded on the subject at hand. The objective of an analytical argument is merely to evaluate something into parts or components and determine its viability or credibility. A persuasion’s objective is to convince the audience to agree to one’s contentions. 7. Given that one is asked to persuade a potential student to attend your college next year, the three genres of communication that can be used to deliver the persuasive argument are written communication, oral or verbal communication and through electronic communication. The written communication could be disseminated through the local student paper or brochures that would highlight the benefits, features and competitive advantages of attending one’s college. Verbal communication could be used in face-to-face interactions where one could persuade and convince potential students, either within the campus or outside. Electronic communication is easily accessible and predominant currently. It is most effective to disseminate persuasive arguments that highlight the benefits of the college through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other networks through referrals from friends and associates. 8. There are various pieces of a business letter: the heading, date, salutation, the body of the l etter, and the complimentary close. The heading generally contains the information and address of the person writing. An inside address is needed prior to the salutation to indicate the address of the proposed recipient of the letter. The salutation or greeting addresses the person to whom the letter is directed to. A subject line would detail the aim or objective of the letter –

Convinving a friend to stop smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Convinving a friend to stop smoking - Essay Example Wouldn't it be wonderful for you to quit smoking Imagine the improved health, physically and mentally not to mention the extra savings from cigarettes expenses each week. Allow me to show you why you need to stop smoking. The American Heart Association (AHA) in their recent survey indicates that smokers live an average of 14 years less than smokers (Marrow, 2008). There are many reasons for this, one of them being the diseases associated with smoking. Health authorities usually puts a warning on each cigarette box against the would be smokers but I think you need more than this. Listen to this from estimates that over 3000 chemical substances exist in tobacco smoke. Nicotine, carbon monoxide, sulpher dioxide, methanol are just a few. Assuming now somebody comes to you and says "hey you want to inject a dose of sulpher dioxide in your blood stream." Would you deny it Yet that is what you are doing each time you smoke. Diseases such as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, asthma, osteoporosis, smokers cough, cancers of lynx and tongue are derived from such chemicals, and the risk is directly proportional to the cigarettes smoked. Apart from the diseases other condit ions can be foul body odor and general ill feeling (Marrow, 2008). So how do you exactly stop smoking Firstly sit down and write a list of thing that compels you to stop smoking then set a date for the action.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Analysis of the journey to understand the importance of the HRM is long, but worthwhile as it presents some very interesting facts about organizations. This paper covers my reflections of the functions of the HRM department in any organizational set up. The roles of the HRM department are the most vital in an organization, ranging from planning, staffing, and leading, organizing, and controlling the organization’s work force (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). The process of HRM includes testing, training, planning, compensating, and appraising employees. The employees’ safety and health, and equality are also major concerns of the department. Given the facts above, one would be quick to question the bad image painted on the department. Why do some people consider the department as a psychotherapist clinic of a company or as a mere recruiting office? I think the performance of those HRM departments under criticism did not meet the employees’ expectations and thus the lamen tation. HRM departments are supposed to carry their duties indiscriminately. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative actions should be the core of the department’s moral principles. These two guiding principles are the stepping-stones to enhancing positive diversity in an organization. The identification of differences enhances development of an environment that promotes respect. The HRM department should nurtures these differences and use them for the benefits of both the organization and the individual. The government, through reports requirement, has enforced the two policies in both federal and public organizations (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). Federal organizations are required to submit their reports to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Nevertheless, these requirements are fragmented and irregularities with the records often emerge. It is imperative that HRM professionals observe the EEO and Affirmati ve actions policies, from their lifestyles to places of work. A diverse work force will provide creative and innovative workers to drive an organization towards achievement of its strategic goals. In the planning, recruitment and selection, enforcement of EEO and affirmative actions should remain on focus. Potential employees have the right to equal opportunities of employment without prejudice of race, color or religion (Ivancevich, 2006). The recruitment of the employees should be clear of discrimination, and the vacancies assigned to qualified applicants with occasional reference to the diversity ratio. The issue that arises during the planning is the decision to determine candidacy of employees based on qualification or equality. In some situations, the best-qualified candidates are qualified, but represent only a margin of the population. The conflict of equal employment opportunity and affirmative, and the desired employee characteristics arises here. The case scenario is evid ent, as it has occurred in one of my classes. Majority of the students who passed on the course subjects were male. Now, presenting awards to only male students would portray the idea of male chauvinism.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MPC FINANCE( HR MANAGEMENT) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MPC FINANCE( HR MANAGEMENT) - Case Study Example Some recommendations have been made for the better utilisation and management of human resource of the company which will help the company in achieving better results with regard to their human resource management. There are certain inefficiencies found in the human resource management of the company. Management is relying on the hierarchical structure for in an old progressive manner for deciding the compensation of company's employees. Work force is hired at the lowest level and they progress with the passage of time towards the upward positions. Due to this system employees do not tend to work harder for quick progress in the company and thus efficiency is compromised due to un-utilisation of full potential of some employees. The performance management system of company is top down with little chances of interaction between management and subordinates. At the work place where everyone is included in a team and the best of results are achieved through team work, this is not a very good scenario for optimum utilisation of company's resources. Last in first out redundancy policy is in use by company, which is obviously not a universal axiom and the employees should be evaluated with the system which best describes the value added by them in the company.Another defect in the company's HRM system is the dissatisfaction among the employees of regional offices due to general perception that headquarter employees are taken well care of as compared to the regional office employees and due to the fact that absenteeism and labour turnover in the regional offices is three times that in the headquarters offices. Moreover workforce was hired through word of mouth in order to contain costs. Female staff has occupied the lower positions in the company whereas male staff has occupied higher positions and lower staff members are being invested in and encouraged to come up and occupy higher positions as well. It has been observed that people hired from ethnical minorities are not settled in the company's environment because they feel unsecure, unaccepted and lesser career prospects. Turnover of staff appointed within the last year is very high. Other complains include management has invested heavily in the complex IT system and employees are very passive in doing work through that advanced technology. Conclusions There are changes to be made to the HRM system by the management for making it beneficial that would result in the employees' satisfaction. It has been concluded that company's employees are the most valuable assets of company and these are the employees who make up the whole company. For a company it is equally important for its employees to grow and remain satisfied and happy with their jobs. Therefore, the company should invest appropriately in its employees in order to make full use of their abilities. Company should promote and encourage a culture that ensures that all of the employees are satisfied with their peers, their working environment, their infrastructure and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Disney Land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Disney Land - Essay Example This made him purchase another property, 160-acre at a site near Anaheim in 1953 (Trahan, 7). The construction of the park started in 1954, and it was completed and launched later in 1955. Since its launch, the business has experienced immense growth and expansion, starting from local expansion and later venturing to other countries in Europe and Asia. While compared to other theme parks in the world, Disneyland Theme park has been quoted as the most successful of them all, hitting a cumulative 600 million visitors by the year 201 (Seth and Len, 12). Its expansion in other countries has also been successful, with its resort complexes and theme parks recording high growth, profitability and popularity over the years. It is in the light of this consideration that there is a need to evaluate the factors that have made Disneyland such a successful venture, thus making it popular the world over. First, the major factor that contributed to the high-notch start for Disneyland is the nature of its launch in July 17, 1955, where a live guest of 15, 000 people were invited to grace the occasion, and the number swelled to an unexpected 30, 000 guests, on top of the 90 million people who watched via a live television broadcast (Barrier, 240). Just by the mere launch of the business venture, it became popular and attracted the attention of many prospective visitors, since such was a rare spectacle in the minds of many who attended the live unveiling and also those who watched it live. Due to the popularity that Disneyland cultivated that day, it was sure to continue receiving visitors consistently, among those who had watched the launch on live television, but now wanted to see the real Disneyland (Seth and Len, 23). The next day after the launch was not different, with visitors streaming in to view the theme park and thus the business kicked off at a relatively high rate, compared to other new business ventures. The success of the kickoff has greatly contributed to the suc cess of Disneyland as it is experienced today, since it started off as a popular business venture, whose popularity and fame has constantly increased over the decades. The other success factor that has shaped the destiny of Disneyland business venture to present day is the initial pricing strategy (Trahan, 13). Having attracted the attention of many potential visitors, the business venture had to differentiate itself from the other amusement parks through charging relatively high entry fees at the gate, with a gate entry fee of $1 (Barrier, 212). This served to present Disneyland as a high class guest attraction, which served to attract the attention of potential visitors even more. Having built on its popularity during the launch, then, the business had to keep the tempo by presenting itself as a high class and unique attraction, which would entice many people to visit and witness the difference between Disneyland and other amusement parks. Another initial success factor that set D isney for more success is the visitor management strategy that was applied from the initial days of the business opening. The management of Disneyland worked towards controlling the attendance of the visitors to the park, through regulating the number of daily visitors to a maximum of 20,000 (Trahan, 13). While limiting the number of customers to any business might appear to be a poor strategy,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Faced in Combat Essay Example for Free

Ethical Dilemma Faced in Combat Essay When two primary values are conflicting there should be a good ethics code to serve as an arbiter. Ethical dilemma is therefore said to arise when there are two primary values conflicting in an individual for example a solider is supposed to be with his family but at the same time he is required to protect the government from enemies and enforce laws. During work he must choose between killing the enemy to protect the state or have mercy on the enemy at the expense of state security. The solider now is having a series of conflicting principles should he be at home with his family or not, if he is on duty should he attack and kill the enemy or should he leave his nation to be conquered? Ethical dilemma is therefore defined as the conflict between two important ethical values or perspectives, for example conflict between ones professional values and personal values, or it may be the conflict between the values held by different people (Cohen 2007). Ethical dilemma involving two people with different perspectives is typical between a doctor and a patient where the patient feels he is having the right not to take medication but the doctor feels that professionally he is entitled to prevent his patient from making this decision that may harm his life. For the US combats it is the professional value conflicting the personal value for example should they kill or not and if so what are the possible consequences. Further on the soldiers are supposed to be with their families but they cannot because they are somewhere in Iraq, Sudan, Israel and other parts of the world keeping peace or protecting the state from possible enemies like the alqueda terrorist group. Combats are the military personnel that are trained by the US military defense section to provide both physical and ideological services needed to fight any enemy of the state. With continued increase in global insecurity these combats are trained to deal with the enemy in the most brutal way possible even if it means killing the enemy. This kind of training makes the solders to develop poor ethical relations with other people more so anybody thought to be an enemy of the federal government will not be treated with any dignity by the combats. These people are always prone to great violations of human bioethical values because many a times they are killed mercilessly in cold blood. The US military ethics and standards of conduct, gives guidelines to military personnel including the combats on the codes of conduct and military ethics to be followed to the letter by any personnel. Violation of the US punitive military provision by any personnel may result to the prosecution of the offender under â€Å" The Uniform Cord of Military justice†. The US combats together with other service groups are supposed to direct their service and support to engage the US’s enemy in fight and offer state security at all costs. They are always organized to operate as a single unit under a one commander who is entitled to give orders on how to combat the enemy as well as how to protect the state at the same time. Within this unit there are the military doctors who are responsible for the wounded or sick combats but within the military medical ethics. The ethical values to be upheld by the combats are honesty, integrity, accountability, fairness, loyalty, respect, caring and promise keeping to the state fellow combats and the citizens. This applies to all the combats from the commander to juniors including the military medical officer. However studies have revealed that â€Å"Mixed Agency† and â€Å"conflicting loyalty† is as common in combats as it is in civilians with malicious combats justifying their acts to protection of the state leaving the straight forward ones in ethical dilemmas since they have to be loyal to the state, they have to kill (Beam 2005). The ethical dilemmas facing the combats include conflict in military ethics and health ethics, bioethics, human psychological ethics as well as military medical ethics. Therefore the combats are left in huge dilemmas on how to address each specific value with respect to their professional ethics that is the military ethics. One of the commanders in Iraq was reported to have accepted that actually in the battlefield they were at dilemma not with the bioethical value of the enemy or the civilians but also amongst the combats themselves. He said that it is actually it was not a simple matter to kill or to be killed, however the soldiers have to think about their fellow soldiers, their country and the reason why they have gone for war. If the leave the enemy to kill their fellow soldiers because they sympathize with the enemy, the soldiers are considered compromising the military ethics. If they kill the enemy they are considered war criminals before the law concerned with international human rights. The soldier are then expected to protect the interests of their fellow soldier and their nation but without compromising the interest of the civilians in war torn nations or the interest of the war lords they fight with for example the taliban group in Iraq. However those feeling the pinch of the dilemma here are the commanders, they have to put soldiers to battle knowing very well that deaths will occur but there is nothing they can do because they will do everything within their powers to save the lives of the soldiers the can not accomplish the mission. Continued war all over the world sees the combats being sent to various destinations this has by far added greater dimensions to the combat’s ethical dilemmas. With increased injuries and deaths the soldiers do not know where to start and end because the dilemma now is actually seen in their lives versus the profession. The US military ethics does not offer any guideline on whether to withhold treatment from soldiers with severe brain injuries or not, the military doctors are the in turn faced with a very complicated moral and ethical dilemma. Here the doctor must choose between treating the worst and disturbing wounds he has ever seen or to let his fellow soldier to die in the battlefields like Iraq. In these situations the military doctor are obsessed with keeping the wounded soldiers alive even if the wound is so serious something they would not have done in US. The military ethics back in US calls for immediate termination of life in such cases or an amputation if any of the limbs is involved, but in the war tone Iraq the military doctors are doing exactly the opposite of what is expected of them. Recently heated debates were witnessed across the states to discuss the position of women in US combat many people were against the view that females should be part of the team while others were supporting it by citing the great roles played by German women to fight the Nazi wars in the post war Germany. However the main ethical dilemma facing the women is to choose between going to war to protect their nation from enemies or to remain at home to care for the family. But if they go to war will they be safe in regard to their male counter pats in issues regarding sexual harassments and equality. To avoid these dilemmas there should be a well-defined ethics code to guard everybody getting involved with the soldiers for example there should be a specific line to differentiate military ethics and Bioethics or military ethics and medical ethics. The soldiers should adopt military role specific ethic which only favor military interest exclusively and the medical ethics should also be exclusive to patients. No mixing up agency should occur in the different values. When it comes to killing for example its a military ethics that a soldier whom is expected to be injured to recover should be shot dead, a soldier who betrays the federal government should also face the same but what of bioethics, is really right to kill? The soldiers should therefore be vigilant not to act inhumanly, they should learn to be flexible in their actions not to be influenced by fellow soldiers or even the state but should consider the values of the people they meet in war. The combats should also develop the skills of listening and learning from the mistakes made in the past by them or colleagues to avoid making any further errors. They should also learn to make their own decisions regardless of the unexpected situations they encounter in the battlefields and act accordingly with regard to military ethics and other moral ethics.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Coastal Land Management Outlook: Tokyo

Coastal Land Management Outlook: Tokyo Coastal Land Management Outlook  Of The City Of  Tokyo    Introduction All around the world, the coastal resources are under bringing pressure to bear from population growth and development. More people are placed in coastal areas than in any other type of area, so that putting a strain on beaches, marine plants and animals, water resources, and natural resources. Coastal land management programs strive to protect coastal resources for future generations while balancing todays competing economic, cultural and environmental interests. The shortage of land resources, quality degradation and inefficient use has become an important restrictive factor affecting the ecological security and sustainable development of coastal developed areas. It is likewise a practical problem faced by land use management and planning decision. Many famous coastal cities in the world, such as Perth, Tokyo, Hong Kong and New York City, because of the contradiction between people and land is becoming more and more prominent, and land use becomes more and more complicated. Their c oastal land management is facing a series of issues and opportunities. Tokyo, as one of the coastal cities in the world, is selected to discuss its coastal land management outlook in this report. This report will focus on the following aspects: i) Background discussion in an international and national context. ii) The SWOT analysis for Tokyo. iii) The basic profile of Tokyo city iv) a range of coastal land management issues, opportunities, policies and prospects. v) Methods to solute and improve the current situation vi) Community and business sentiment. Each of these aspects is intricately linked. Background discussion International context It is indisputable fact that the key pressures that impact the coastal land management in the worldwide include population growth, pollution and climate variability. Due to the increasing number of housing, commercial, recreational, industrial and retail, the number of tourism increase and cause the coastal population growth. At the same time, pollution such as chemical, physical and biological waste also increases. For example, more tourism means more demand for hotels and tourist infrastructure in coastal areas, because of this, more trees or vegetation are cut down and used to build these facilities. In this process, trees as barriers may lose and also cause the loss of habitat and biodiversity, which means increasing of the coastal erosion. For this reason, the probability of the occurrence of natural disasters will increase. Therefore, coastal land management issues are interlocking and coastal land manager should pay attention to every problem. In addition, coastal land managem ent has its opportunities in global is an economic benefit. The main positive economic impacts of sustainable coastal tourism are contributions to government revenues, foreign exchange earnings, generation of employment, and business opportunities (WWF-Canon and SIIRLIA, 2008). Moreover, the policies of coastal land management are made as plans to provide non-regulatory policy guidance to coastal land managers in order to protect and manage coastal areas (Queensland, 2016). Cities have already transformed their local environments. So adapting to living with global change will likely usher in a new era of environmental and social transformation in the future (Coastal megacities, 2015). National context Furthermore, in the national contexts of Japan, the contemporary issues of the coastal land management in Tokyo are natural disaster, human utilization and ecology problems. Due to the unique topography, most of Japans coastlines are threatened by flooding and high waves during the typhoon season and earthquake. In addition, Japans coastline is prone to erosion. Thus, prevention of disasters related to typhoons, tsunamis, and erosion is one important functional aspect of coastal land management in Tokyo in Japan. Tokyo Bay area brings a fantastic business opportunity which produces 40% of Japans GDP every year. The coastal land is an extremely important gateway for both people and goods flowing into and out of the Tokyo metropolitan area (jsce, 2017). A basic theoretical framework for an integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) scheme in Japan is introduced. Specifically, it must address the ecological, human utilization, and disaster prevention aspects discussed above. Thus, seekin g a long-term and broad-based perspective in coastal management and creation of a healthy and stable environment foundation is the goal of ICZM (oldsite.nautilus, 2017). The SWOT Analysis for Tokyo Strengths Weaknesses 1. Diversity of tourist attractions and services. 2. Easily accessible location. 3. Improve the efficiency of business. 4. Increase the trade including import and export. 1. High coastal land maintenance costs 2. The density of human activities in coastal areas is too high Opportunities Threats 1. New product development in coastal areas 2. Disaster management 3. Growing economy 1. Flooding and high waves during the typhoon season 2. In the seismic zone Introduction to Tokyo Basic Profile Tokyo is located in the southern tip of the Kanto plain, roughly in the center of the Japanese archipelago. Tokyo is the largest city in Asia, the worlds second largest city, one of the worlds largest economic centers. According to Higashide (undated), the total area of Tokyo is 2,190.93 square kilometres. The area of Tokyo is 0.6% of the total area of Japan. As of October 1, 2015, the population of Tokyo is estimated to be 13.491 million, or about 11% of Japans total population, and it has the largest population among all the 47 prefectures. With a population density of 6,158 persons per square kilometer, Tokyo is the most densely populated prefecture in Japan (metro, 2017). Economic Profile The Tokyo region is Japans leading industrial center, the major economic base of Tokyo is manufacturing base. Heavy industries are concentrated in Chiba, Kawasaki, and Yokohama, while Tokyo proper is strongly inclined toward light industry, including book printing and the production of electronic equipment (city-data, 2017). Transport Profile Tokyo represents one of the most efficient and fast public transport systems in the world. It combines an extensive train network, underground subway lines, a bus system, taxis, and car rentals (tokyo-tokyo, 2017). According to japan-guide (2017), Tokyo is covered by a dense network of trains, subway and bus lines, which are operated by about a dozen different companies. Train lines operated by JR East and the subway lines are most convenient for moving around central Tokyo. Availability of public and green spaces    Tokyo also contains numerous parks and gardens. There are four national parks in Tokyo Prefecture, including the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, which includes all of the Izu Islands (gojapango, 2017). The percentage of public green space (parks and gardens) is 7.5% in Tokyo (Worldcitiescultureforum, 2017). Issues Tokyo is faced with two major environmental crises. The first one is the threat of damage to health caused by air pollution aggravated with the increase in the number of automobiles on the road and the amount of chemicals released into the atmosphere. The other crisis is the problem of the heat island effect in urban areas caused by enormous energy consumption and global warming due to the increase of carbon dioxide in the air (legcogov, 2017). Opportunities Polices Prospects Sentiment Recommendation As mentioned above, coastal land has brought huge economic wealth to Tokyo. Therefore it is important to save coastal land spaces and use land economic, make every piece of land valuable. The current issues of the coastal land management in Tokyo are natural disaster, human utilization and ecology problems. In order to address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective method of doing this would be for the coastal land managers to set up a coastal management plan. As well as using soft engineering and hard engineering solutions to improve quality of coastal land. Determine the goal of the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) scheme, follow a good coastal management plan to create a healthy and stable environment foundation in the future. Conclusion Bibliography Coastal megacities (2015) Coastal megacities: Risks and opportunities. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2017). Higashide, M. (no date) à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ©Ã†â€™Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ©Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å"à ¥Ã‚ ºÃ…“à §Ã…“Å’Ã £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ºÃƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ £Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã‚ »Ãƒ ©Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ §Ã‚ ©Ã‚ Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ºÃƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ £Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¦Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã‚ ©Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã‚ ³Ãƒ £Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ­Ãƒ £Ã†â€™Ã‚ ³Ãƒ £Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ °. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2017). Queensland (2016) Coastal management plan. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2017). WWF-Canon and SIIRLIA, E. (2008) Impact of tourism in coastal areas: Need of sustainable tourism strategy. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2017). Chrome Edge web

Friday, September 20, 2019

Products And Services Offered By Pepsico Commerce Essay

Products And Services Offered By Pepsico Commerce Essay PepsiCo is one of the most successful beverage and snack food business in the world. PepsiCo started on 1965, during that time Pepsi-Colas CEO and President Donald M, Kendall approached Herman Lay, Frito-Lays Chairman and CEO with a proposition of merging the two company in providing food and beverage with complementary products that would give a lesser opportunity for cost sharing, joint merchandising and knowledge and skill transfer (MightyStudents, 2010). PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and territories. Its expertise is to create different food and beverage products that would soothe the taste of its consumer.  PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient foods and beverages, with revenues of about $57 billion and over 294,000 employees (JobsGlobal Online, 2011). The reinvention of different products, the introduction of new product, expansion into international markets and clever advertising campaigns are the primary focus of PepsiCo Inc.   PepsiCos considerable marketing expertise could be leveraged in the marketing of fried chicken, pizza, and Mexican fast foods. The companys current operating locations, headquarters and current initial public offering stock market. Pepsi-Cola North America, headquartered in Purchase, New York, is the refreshment beverage unit of PepsiCo Beverages and Foods North America, a division of PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo Beverages and Foods North America also comprises PepsiCos Tropicana, Gatorade and Quaker Foods businesses in the United States and Canada. Brand Pepsi and other Pepsi-Cola products account for nearly one-third of total soft drink sales in the United States, a consumer market totaling about $57 billion. Outside the United States, Pepsi-Cola beverages are available in about 160 countries. Today Pepsi-Cola products account for about a quarter of all soft drinks sold internationally (Global Finance, 2011).. The company has also established operations in the emerging markets of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, India and Russia, where Pepsi-Cola was the first U.S. consumer product to be marketed. Pepsi-Cola provides advertising, marketing, sales and promotional support to Pepsi-Cola bottlers and food service customers. This includes some of the worlds best and most recognized advertising. New advertising and exciting promotions keep Pepsi-Cola brands young. Performance and achievements PepsiCo current performance and achievement is Conserved more than 12 billion liters of water through efficiency improvements within PepsiCo operations as compared to the 2009 baseline. Achieved a 16 percent reduction in per unit use of energy in beverage plants and a 7 percent reduction in snack plants in 2010 compared to a 2009 baseline. Introduced the first fully compostable Sun Chips bag, which is made with 100 percent renewable plant-based materials. Increased the percentage of executive positions held by women globally to 30 percent. Reduced saturated fat by more than 50 percent in U.S. Lays and Ruffles potato chips. PepsiCos success is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive competitive strategies and the high integrity. The Macro-environment analysis of PepsiCo Company. Political Factors: The production distribution and use of many of PepsiCo product are subject to various federal laws, such as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act ad the Americans with Disabilities. The government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products in terms of regulations. There are potential fines set by the government on companies if they do not meet a standard of laws. The businesses are also subject to state, local and foreign laws. The international businesses are subject to the Government stability in the countries where PepsiCo is trying get into underdeveloped markets. The businesses are also subject to de taxation policy in each country they are operating. They also have to comply with federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations. In political stability, whenever the Government Is Considered to Be Stable, the business will grow. If there is political stability in the country the policies and strategies made by Pepsi can be consistent to be implemented. Foreign companies are also keen to invest in those countries which are politically stable where they have no fear of decline in their market share or shut down due to sudden change of government. In mixed economy government and private sector both plays their role in developing the economy of the country. Investment by foreign companies like Pepsi is more likely to flourish in mixed economy. Economic Factors: The key elements taken into consideration are the principal market risks, which PepsiCo is exposed to inflation rate, interest rate, and foreign exchange rate. These are specified as: The major economic issue facing PepsiCo and its subdivisions is the rising input costs of  their businesses due to structural inflation.   Agricultural, energy, and some metal industries are going through periods of steady inflation.   Because PepsiCo relies on these industries, inflation costs must be factored into their cost equations.   In inflation rate, if the country faces inflationary trend in the market, the price of the Pepsi will ultimately increase which will lower its demand. Interest rate on PepsiCos debt as well as it short-term investment portfolio: PepsiCo can manage its overall financing strategies in term of balancing investment opportunities and risks. The company is using interest rate and currency swaps to effectively modify the interest rate in order to reduce the overall borrowing costs Foreign exchange rate and other international economic conditions, operating in international markets involve exposure to movements in currency exchange rates, which typically affect the economic growth, inflation, interest rate, government actions and other factors. Once these changes occur, they will cause PepsiCo to adjust its financing and operating strategies. Changes in currency exchange rates that would have the largest impact on translating PepsiCos international operating profit include Mexican peso, British pound, Canadian dollar and Brazilian real. Social cultural Factors: Consumers today are not as much joyous to cola products as they were before. Age and ethnicity are two main characteristics that affect consumer preference for soft drinks and alternative beverages. With age, health concerns become more of a factor when choosing a beverage. To illustrate, some studies show that cola products or soft drink in general may cause kidney stones and other related diseases. In contrast to older consumers, younger consumers particularly teens and those in their twenties have less attention spans for products and are more likely to prefer products that seems to be fun and different .   Age and ethnicity are two main characteristics that affect consumer preference for soft drinks and alternative beverages. With age, health concerns become more of a factor when choosing a beverage (PepsiCo, 2006). The requirements of different age groups are different. PepsiCo should target that age group that consumes it the most and make promotional strategies according to their behavior. So their main target is the young generation. The social environment within food services markets are changing significantly.   A new demand for healthy food and beverages coupled with a push towards green operations and environmentally-friendly company management has changed the social playing field within most markets.   With this in mind, PepsiCo have successfully adopted new goals and produced new products in order to meet this more health-conscious market.   PepsiCo and moreover Pepsi is subject to the lifestyle changes, because of it bases her advertising campaigns in a concrete kind of people with an special lifestyle, it is for that PepsiCo has to pay a special attention on the lifestyle changes. Particularly in the United States Pepsi drinkers are much defined, there is a kind of people who drinks Pepsi another kind who drinks Coca-Cola; it is for that they have to pay attention to the social mobility for not losing a possible market. Technological Factors: PepsiCo and its subdivisions utilize technology in order to sustain company growth, keep up with the demands of its sustained growth, and perform efficiently.   PepsiCos delivery systems provide a strong competitive advantage.   In particular, their most powerful distribution system, Direct store-delivery (DSD) allows them to supply all of their retailers and customer-distributors with up-to-date stock.   Direct store-delivery allows us to create maximum appeal and visibility for our brands and support in-store promotions.   DSD works well for popular products we restock often, because it allows us to distribute new products quickly.   Our DSD system reaches hundreds of thousands of retail outlets this way, from neighborhood convenience stores to large-format supermarkets (Annual Report, 11). Through research and development quality of the product can be improved or better techniques or machinery can be developed which can increase the production. When technology is advance the supply of the product increase hence the company experiences growth in their business. Some factors that cause companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results are as follows: The effectiveness of companys advertising, marketing and promotional programs. The new technology of internet and television which use special effects for advertising through media by make some products look attractive. This helps in selling of the products. This advertising makes the product attractive. This technology is being used in media to sell their products. Introduction of cans and plastic bottles have increased sales for PepsiCo as these are easier to carry and you can bin them once they are used. As the technology is getting advanced there has been introduction of new machineries all the time. Due to introduction of this machineries the production of the PepsiCo company has increased tremendously then it was few years ago. Legal Factors: In elements with changes to legislation, Waste Management and Public Concerns of growing environmental awareness are leading to increasing legislation. The companys operation is affected by federal legislative proposals that address the four objectives. First, minimize the quantity of packaging material entering the nations solid waste system. Second, minimize the consumption of scarce natural resources. Third, maximize the recycling and reuse of packaging materials. Fourth, Protect human health and the natural environment from adverse effects associated with the disposal of packaging materials. Laws Formulation in order Government has given copy rights to PepsiCo by Pepsi product, so that another company cannot sell their product by the name of Pepsi. The countries where laws are formulated, the strategies and activities of the company are different. This is one of the most important factors that a company needs to consider while starting, establishing and expanding operations in any country. Legal Environment is important because a company needs to confirm to the laws of the land and carry out its operations accordingly. While political environment is important as it can play an important informing opinions regarding the company. This is the reason why PepsiCo operates in India in collaboration, initially it started its operations in India with Punjab Government and then it started its operations in the carbonated and non-carbonated beverage segment n collaboration with RKJ group in India. Environment Factors: This plays an important role in determining the acceptability of the product according to the environment norms of the market and the effect the company has on each of these. In the area of Environment, PepsiCo Foundation seeks programs that protect water sources and create better use for existing water, in order to help minimize the growing water crisis that is faced by millions of people around the globe. In social responsibility, PepsiCo social responsibility is to provide its customers with clean and hygienic product so to do this they have increased the use of disposable bottles. Companies need to be very careful about this issue as people are very sensitive about their culture and may not tolerate any infringement. This determines the ingredients of the products and the type advertisement and promotions used by the company. The international considerations Where do they operate? PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and has grown to become the countrys largest selling food and Beverage Company. One of the largest multinational investors in the country, PepsiCo has established a business which aims to serve the long term dynamic needs of consumers in India (PepsiCo India, 2011). The group has built an expansive beverage and foods business. To support its operations, PepsiCo has 36 bottling plants in India, of which 13 are company owned. In addition to this, PepsiCos Frito Lay foods division has 3 state-of-the-art plants. PepsiCos business is based on its sustainability vision of making tomorrow better than today. PepsiCos commitment to living by this vision every day is visible in its contribution to the country, consumers and farmers (PepsiCo India, 2011). What is/are their internationalisation method(s)? In order to enter the market scene, PepsiCo has been able to use joint venture. Joint venture is the term used when a business company merged to other company for the purpose of entering the international market.   This is an alternative mode of exploiting a particular asset such as retail and potential branch network to form an arrangement with an established supplier of the product. PepsiCo gained entry to India in 1989 by creating a joint venture with the Punjab government-owned  Punjab Agro Industrial Corporation  (PAIC) and  Voltas India Limited. This joint venture marketed and sold Pepsi  until 1991, when the use of foreign brands was allowed; PepsiCo bought out its partners and ended the joint venture in 1994. With the joint venture method used by the company to enter an international market, PepsiCo has been able to be known in the international market. Hence, it can be said that the method used by the company as a mode of foreign market entry is effective and appropriate to achieve the goal of the company of having a strong competitive position in the international market.   The company has used suitable market entry mode to ensure that their products will be delivered to international market. Discuss the problems faced by the company in international business and propose solution to overcome the issues. Problems Initially, the India market was highly fragmented, and the wholesale and distributional systems were outdated. This was further complicated because PepsiCo was the actually  existing wholesaler of concentrate, and did not have access to the operation of the bottling plants. To add to this problem, the companys local market agents were fully responsible for production and distribution during the initial stages of market entry. The India government exerted tight control over the development of the soft drink industry and was careful to nurture domestic brands. PepsiCo was not permitted to enter into a Joint Venture bottling business with its local partners until 1992, and even then it was restricted to a minority stake.   Pepsi is also facing the problem concerning environmental issues like the supply of raw materials to produce their products. If Pepsi fails to help in environmental issues, the situation it had been during World War might happen again  when they almost went out of business because of the shortage of sugar.  Ã‚   Solution To overcome the above problem, PepsiCo internalized market transactions through a strategy of long-term investment and, with the approval of the government was able to co-ordinate this with an increased control of production and domestic distribution. In the highly competitive market share driven business of carbonated soft drinks, to assume control of production and distribution is strategically essential. This meant that the acquisition of majority stakes in the bottling plants is almost a prerequisite for gaining the control over management. Pepsi also has to deal with such environmental issues like the supply of raw materials to produce their products. If the environment will provide them a good raw material they might have a more profit.  PepsiCos dedication and commitment to the environment is stated in their Worldwide Code of Conduct. The  Worldwide Code of Conduct  defines PepsiCos commitment based on the following environmental principles. Developing programs that promote clean air and water, energy conservation, and reduce land fill waste. By supporting programs that educate, train and motivate employees to help the environment. Business is conducted by complying with all applicable laws and regulations and provides a safe and healthy environment. Minimizing the impact of our businesses on the environment through methods that are socially responsible, scientifically based and economically sounds, such as recycling and conservation. By cooperating with different organizations and governments to find solutions to reduce pollution and by supporting environmental policies. In order to make this foreign operational mode combination a success, PepsiCo should consider the most suitable and effective expansion strategy. It can be said that the spread of PepsiCo is truly global. The company has hundreds of brands, which can be found in almost 200 countries and territories around the world. Market concentration is the result of interaction between the market size and a few vital factors. It is said that the industry of Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSD) is highly concentrated. There are three major industries that compete in this business (PepsiCo and Coca-Cola). This shows that PepsiCo have a high market concentration. In this manner, the international market entry of PepsiCo is a good expansion strategy so as to maintain its position in the global market. In order to ensure that the market entry combination strategy used by the company will succeed, the company must be avail to consider the aspects of control and monitoring. In this manner, the company must have a monitoring team that will ensure the profitability and growth of the company as the expansion strategy has been initiated.   The monitoring team will be responsible for identifying the possible risks that the company will encounter upon the initiation of the expansion strategy through foreign market entry mode. In addition, this team will also be accountable for determining the cost that will be needed to implement that new strategy. Product competitive analysis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the companys products. Strengths Branding One of PepsiCos top brands is of course Pepsi, one of the most recognized brands of the world, ranked according to Interbrand. As of 2008 it ranked 26th amongst top 100 global brands. Pepsi generates more than $15,000 million of annual sales. Pepsi is joined in broad recognition by such PepsiCo brands as Diet Pepsi. Diversification PepsiCos diversification is obvious in that the fact that each of its top 18 brands generates annual sales of over $1,000 million. PepsiCos arsenal also includes ready-to-drink teas, juice drinks, bottled water, as well as breakfast cereals, cakes and cake mixes. This broad product base plus a multi-channel distribution system serve to help insulate PepsiCo from shifting business climates. Distribution The Company delivers its products directly from manufacturing plants and warehouses to customer warehouses and retail stores. This is part of a three pronged approach which also includes employees making direct store deliveries of snacks and beverages and the use of third party distribution services. Weaknesses Second Mover Disadvantage Diet Pepsi Cola does have the first mover advantage which Diet Coke has and this may prove to be a major shortcoming also in the US Market no Extensive efforts have been made to popularize it. By brand, on a comparative scale Diet Coke proves to have a better brand image in customers mind than. This compels to incur extra expenditure in Advertising, Promotions and Sponsorship. Competitor The main competitor of the company is the Coca Cola. At the international level, Pepsi has a very strong competition with Coke. Coke has started its advertisements more effectively to increase their demand and it is a very strong threat for Pepsi. Expenditure Right from the very beginning Pepsi has hired the biggest and the most expensive stars in the country as its brand ambassadors and has spend heavily on advertising which has affected its balance sheet Opportunities Lowest Per Capita Consumption Even after almost decades of presence in the market, there are growth opportunities for Pepsi in US as here the per capita consumption of carbonated beverages is one of the lowest in the world. Health Based apart from its Juice Based drinks portfolio Pepsi can use the Slim Diet can to the maximum by promoting it as a health drink at cheaper prices. Healthy foods supportive The increasing concern for healthy foods supportive of diet and wellness will open a new door of opportunity for PepsiCo.   The acquisition of Aquafina, Tropicana and Quaker Oats is already a significant positive step towards the consideration of a healthier food and beverage alternative.   The awareness does not limit itself to these products and in fact, as if in a synergistic dedication,. PepsiCo is also committed towards the healthy lifestyle of children through school programs.   As PepsiCo caters to snack foods that are high in fat, PepsiCo must continue to challenge itself in the provision of healthy foods in the light of a deteriorating contemporary times.   The spotlight on healthier foods would hopefully cut the costs of the ever-inflating cooking oil prices as focus is made on high protein snacks. New markets expansion New markets are similarly opening up in the world, open for further expansion.   Most apparent is the opening of the Chinese market.   Taking in mind the large population of this country, Pepsi must find measures to quickly penetrate, expand to China and beating the competition that will arise from there.   They must appeal to the tastes, culture and locale of their new Asian markets using a local feel to their products which can be manageable in their strong advertising campaign. Pepsi continuing diversity will provide the much needed back-up for the company and allow it to rely on other companies and businesses than just a sole powerful brand. Threats Health Growing health awareness among people and some of ill effects of carbonated beverages have pursued many people to switch over to non-carbonated beverages that can seriously impede the long-term prospects of the entire Industry and Pepsi. Environment Environmental concerns are often raised because of the massive amount of water extracted by the bottling plants resulting in the drop in groundwater level which affects the local population adversely Intense Competition The Coca-Cola Company is PepsiCos primary competitors. But others include Nestlà ©, and Kraft Foods. Intense competition may influence pricing, advertising, sales promotion initiatives undertaken by PepsiCo. Recently Coca-Cola passed PepsiCo in Juice sales. Suggest solutions to recover the position of the weaknesses and threat of the product line. The solutions to recover the position of the weaknesses and threat of the product line is Pepsi should also introduce a version of Diet Pepsi Cola as a sports drink range this is a completely new and untapped market which will help in providing the impetus for Diet Pepsi. Pepsi should start more aggressive marketing of its Diet Pepsi range of products as they have very good growth and future prospects while there is not much growth in the carbonated beverages sector. Next solution is the Pepsi is at its maturity stage and the sales of company are not growing very rapidly. Company is doing a lot of promotional activities to let the product remain in the market. It holds a large share of the market and whenever the sales state declining, the Pepsi can improve it by different promotional activities. Marketers of Pepsi can try to improve sales by improving one or more marketing mix elements. They can cut prices to attract new users and competitors customers. They can also launch a better advertising campaign or use aggressive sales promotion to improve the sales. Thus, Pepsi is at its maturity stage. The next solutions to recover the position of the weaknesses and threat of the product line is for Pepsi is to move forward with commitment to provide industry leadership in the health and wellness arena. Pepsi should do a better job of staying in touch with shoppers and consumers and in the process of innovating and creating value. This is absolutely essential for value creation in the beverage industry. I think the most important driver behind the demand for beverage is population demographics. The final solution for Pepsi is to develop strategies to win the cola war in this century. Winning the cola war in twenty-first century is critical for Pepsi to maintain its industry leadership position and to be a total beverage company. New Venture Barriers to entry New entrants Pepsi to the Norway industry were very high human development (VHHD) are not a strong competitive pressure in the soft drink industry. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo dominate with their strong brand name and superior distribution channels. In addition, the soft-drink industry is fully saturated. New growth is small. This makes it very difficult for new, unknown entrants to start competing against the existing established firms. Another barrier to entry is the high fixed costs for warehouses, trucks, and labor and economies of scale in Norway country. New entrants cannot compete on price without economies of scale. These high capital requirements and market saturation make it extremely difficult for companies to enter the soft drink industry; therefore new entrants are not a strong competitive force. Pepsis product differentiation caused by their marketing strategy has limited the threat of new entrants. Also the heavy start up costs of manufacturing and packaging plants would be a deterrent. But, the biggest deterrent is brand image and reputation; a new company would be very hard pressed to take market share away from established players like Pepsi, Coke etc. More importantly, the access to distribution channels is currently one of the biggest barriers to entry, and this barrier remains because both Coke and Pepsi maintain very strong relation with their channel partners. 6.2 Threat of Substitutes Substitutes for Pepsi products in Norway with (VHHD) are bottled water, sports drinks, coffee, and tea. Bottled water and sports drinks are increasingly popular with the trend towards the health conscious consumer. There are a growing number and varieties of water and sports drinks that appeal to different consumers tastes. These are advertised as healthier than soft drinks. In addition, coffee and tea are competitive substitutes because they provide caffeine. Soft drinks can be substituted with coffee. Specialty blend coffees are also becoming more popular with the increasing number of Starbucks stores that offer many different flavors to appeal to all consumer markets. Low switching costs for the consumer makes the threat of substitute products very strong (Datamonitor, 2006). 6.3 The bargaining power of supplier Threats of Suppliers to in Norway (VHHD) are suppliers Pepsi are bottling equipment manufacturers and secondary packaging suppliers. Since Pepsi owns the majority of the bottler, it looks like that particular supplier does not hold much bargaining power. However, there has been increased concern about the simmering tensions between Pepsi and its increasing powerful independent bottlers such as PepsiCo. PepsiCo controls 80 percent of the US market as well as parts of Europe. Pepsi is introducing new product at a significant rate. The operational and distributional complexity due to new product introduction is affecting the bottom line of the bottlers. Some bottlers have even refused to carry new products. In terms of equipment manufacturers, the suppliers are generally providing the same products. The number of equipment suppliers is not in short supply, so it is fairly easy for a company to switch suppliers. This takes away much of the suppliers bargaining power. However, rising sugar and packaging material prices have a direct impact on the profitability of the Pepsis products. 6.4 The Bargaining power of Buyers The buyers power in new venture of Norway with Very High Human Development County, Pepsi and other soft drinks are mainly large grocers, discount stores, and restaurants. The soft drink companies distribute the beverages to these stores for resale to the consumer. The bargaining power of the buyers is very evident and strong. Large grocers and discount stores buy large volumes of the soft drinks, allowing them to buy at lower prices. Restaurants have less bargaining power because they do not order in large volume. However, with the number of people drinking less soft drink, the bargaining power of buyers could start increasing due to decreasing buyer demand. The interesting shift in buyer demand because of increased demand for healthy choices has driven the market share of substitute drinks. Consumers are focusing more on healthy choices and buying healthy drinks from high end specialty stores. This phenomenon is due to health and wellness trend sweeping across the global beverage market. Soft drink consumers are moving their consumption from regular cola carbonates to low-calorie carbonates, bottled water, sport drinks, juice and teas. Pepsi should adapt to this consumer behavior for future growth. 6.5 Competitive rivalry The competitive pressure from rival sellers is the greatest competition that Pepsi faces in the soft drink industry to enter to Norway. PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and Cadbury Schweppes are the largest competitors in this industry with global presence. Though Pepsi owns four of the top five soft drink brands (Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mirinda, and 7 up), it had lower sales in 2006 than did Coca-Cola. However, PepsiCo has higher sales in the global market than Coca-Cola. In 2006, PepsiCo dominated North America with sales of $22 billion, whereas Pepsi only had about $7 billion, with more of their sales coming from overseas. PepsiCo is the main competitor for Coca-Cola and these two brands have been in a power struggle for more than a century.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Slaughterhouse-Five :: Literary Analysis, Kurt Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut was an anti-war book about the bombing of Dresden. The main theme of the book seemed to be fate, or that nobody has free will. Throughout the book, Billy, is randomly traveling in time. Whenever he has the opportunity to make a choice that would seem like the right, or intelligent thing to do, he does not, as he does not have the free will to make that choice. This also leads to Billy not caring about many things, knowing they will happen no matter what anybody does. As explained on the planet of Tralfamadore, Billy can not make any choices. The Tralfamadorians tell him that he lacks free will, saying "Only on Earth is there talk of free will" (109). One of the Tralfamadorians also said they were "trapped in another blob of amber" (108), referring to the fact that neither he or Billy can change anything in life, and that everything has been, is, and will be the same. The Tralfamadorians also know how the end of the universe will come. They will be testing their rocket fuel, and it will fail and destroy the entire universe. When Billy hears this, he asks "isn't there some way you can prevent it?" (149). The Tralfamadorians tell him that they cannot change it, as the pilot has always done it, and always will do it. This is likely when Billy finally loses all belief in the idea of free will. A main example of fate would be when Billy is on an airplane. In Slaughterhouse-Five, it states that "Billy, knowing the plane was going to crash pretty soon, closed his eyes, traveled in time back to 1944" (198). Soon after, "the plane smacked into the top of Sugarbush Mountain in Vermont. Everyone was killed but Billy and the copilot" (199). Instead of doing anything about it, Billy just waits for the plane to crash. If Billy had free will, he would have tried to warn the others on the plane, or not gotten onto it at all. Another good example of the lack of free will would be when Billy is about to die. Normally, someone would care about their death, but Billy does not. He locks up a tape in a safe-deposit box, saying "I, Billy Pilgrim, will die, have died, and always will die on February thirteenth" (180). Before he dies, he is giving a speech, and he knows that he will be assassinated.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Van Doren :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The scientific revolution had a huge influence as to why people thought they could be God. Van Doren explains how parts of science led these individuals to believe that they could be God if they could understand how the world worked and why it worked that way. He explains that there are five parts of science. These parts of science were biology, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and psychology. With the knowledge of these five parts of science, people thought they could answer any questions by using scientific method and play the role of God in explaining how the world works, why it works that way, what the world was made up of, and also what people think and why they think a certain way in certain situations. Biology allowed people to know the make up of the world and people. Physics and mathematics allowed individuals to see how the world worked and why it worked a certain way. Psychology showed the people that we could figure out what and how people thought by d oing experiments on groups of people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Van Doren explains how these five parts of science are not better than any certain one. He explains how everyone in that day believed that the world was flat and not round as we know it today. He explains how they thought that science is the one method that will allow them to arrive at the â€Å"truth.† He explains how science was a common thing that â€Å"everyday people† could understand. This led many to believe that they could answer a lot of questions thus making them think they could be God. Van Doren tells us that there are three assumption of science. The first assumption of science is that we can describe what goes on in a physical world. He explained how scientists are both honest and humble. They never claim more than they can prove and love to talk about their findings with other scientists or poets. This first assumption gives people the ideas that we can know what is going on in the physical world, why it goes that way, and how it works . The second assumption of science is we can explain why something is happening. This deals more with actual things and not ideas or feelings as Van Doren said. This assumption dealt more with the issues concerning the external world and its working rather than the inner part and how it works.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Agriculture Sector

North Cachar Hills Agriculture & allied activities Agriculture, Horticulture & Marketing All the tribes living in this hill district are mainly depending on agriculture. The primitive system of Jhuming cultivation are common among all the tribes. The practice of Jhuming not only destroy the micro flora and fauna but also affect ecological balance by destroying forest. So, an attempt has been made through this scheme to replace Jhum by permanent cultivation, terrace cultivation. Moreover the Soil of this hilly region is very suitable summer as well as winter paddy. Horticulture is the main occupation in the district of N. C. Hills farmers. The altitude varies from 800meters to 1200 meters and average rainfall around 2300 mm and temperatures varies from 6 to 12 degree C in winter and 17 -33 degree C in summer. Out of total geographical area of 4888 sq. km. around 1. 88 lakh hectares is suitable for cultivation and 80% of the cultivable land is suitable for horticultural crops. Potential for horticultural development is very bright along with canning and processing industry as this district produces huge quantity of quality pineapple, oranges and ginger through purely organic method as use of agrochemicals is virtually non-existent. However, all the tribes of this hilly district are mainly dependant on destructive slash and burn method of cultivation or Jhuming and in the process forest cover has been largely denuded and ecosystem has been damaged. According to topography, rainfall and other geographical factors the district has been divided into three parts, consisting of the development blocks, 1st Part— Diyungbra ITDP and Diyung valley Block. – This particular area comprises mainly of foothill and plains is suitable for field crops such as Sugarcane, Maize, Oil seeds, paddy, pulses and tropical horticultural crops like coconut, areca nut, cashew nut, mango, mousambi, litchi etc. 2nd Part—Sangbar development block has both low altitude and high altitude areas and crops suitable are both tropical and sub tropical crops. Main cultivated crops are sugarcane, Ginger, Turmeric, Pineapple and oranges. 3rd Part —comprises mainly of Jatinga valley block and Harangajao ITDP. Major crops grown are Paddy, Oranges, Ginger, Turmeric, Girenium etc. EXISTING SCHEMES BEING PRESENTLY IMPLEMENTED Major state sector schemes that under implementation are as follows . Saturation of HYV. . Dev. of Sugarcane. . . Dev. of pulses. . Dev. of oilseed. . Farmers' Institute. . Incentive to Farmers. . Plant Protection campaign. . Bio- Fertilizer and Manures. IMPACT OF EXISTING SCHEMES. After five long decades of development efforts total area under settled cultivation has risen to around 33 thousand hectare and there has been increase in the production of food grains like paddy, oilseeds and noticeable among them are paddy, sugarcane pineapple and oranges. Vegetable cultivation has been nonexistent among tribal farmers even a few decades back but now it's getting popular. Though, area under Jhuming has not decreased, dependence on Jhuming has diminished significantly mainly due to increase in area under settled cultivation and introduction of HYV and improved and scientific farming practices. Area under horticulture and paddy has significantly and average production of paddy in the district is higher than the state average. CONSTRAINTS AND GAPS * Roads and communication is the primary hurdle in the way of agril development hampering both developmental activities in the interior villages. Adoption and use of modern farming knowledge and technology leaves much to be desired mainly due to remoteness of villages, lack of all weather roads, insurgency and the relatively backward tribal populace. *In case of field crops more than 95% area is under single cropping system due to low status of Farm mechanization, and weak agril extension system owing to communication and insurgency problems. PROPOSED INTERVENTION UNDER RSVY . Area expansion drive under Oil seeds, Pulses, Tuber crops in part -A areas is being proposed to cover an area of 1108 hectares with financial outlay of Rs. 4, 42,00,580. 00 @ Rs. 37, 843. 0 per hectare, over a period of three years. . Farmers' field level training & demonstration on appropriate technology to inculcate the theories and principles of sustainable and eco-friendly methods of permanent cultivation against the prevalent destructive jhuming practices. It is proposed to take up 75 numbers of such training and demonstration on Integrated pest management (IPM) and Integrated Nutrient Management(INM) in five Development Block areas over a period of three years with proposed allocation of Rs. 11. 2 Lakhs. @ 15,000. 00 per Trng. & Demonstration covering 40 nos. of trainee/training total beneficiary 75X40 = 3000 nos. Establishment of 60 nos. of mechanized ‘gur’ making units to be mana ged by 60 nos. of SHG already engaged in sugarcane cultivation in sugarcane belt with a financial outlay of Rs. 60 Lakhs. . Organised irrigation under govt. sector being utterly inadequate there is felt need among tribal farmers for water pumps mainly for paddy cultivation, which is the staple food of the tribes. Hence, for lift irrigation purpose it is proposed to provide 200 nos. of 5 HP diesel Pump with a financial outlay of Rs. 44. 00 lakh @ Rs. 22,000. 00 per pump and planting materials like litchi, cashew nut, banana, assam lemon, moushambi, guava and vanilla etc. ill be provided to all the farmers with an allocation of Rupees 30 lakhs for three years @ Rs. 10. 00 lakhs per year. The total subsidy up to 70% would be provided and 30% contribution would be borne by the beneficiaries. The modern technology as well as know how of cultivation and demerits of jhuming cultivation would be published in pamphlets and displayed in sign board in local languages so that all the cultivator s can understand. To increase the cropping intensity of N. C. Hills district from 107% at present to 120% over the span of next three years. Apart from traditional winter paddy and jhum paddy, spring paddy and summer paddy are proposed to be grown with the help of field irrigation with diesel pump. The diesel pump with accessories will be supplied to the beneficiaries where water source is available with 70% subsidy and the beneficiaries shall bear the cost of digging canals, other expenditure like diesel and maintenance. The diesel pump sets are proposed to be provided in the plain areas like Diyungmukh, maibang, Harangajao and Langting area. . Purchase of 200 numbers of metal food grain storage Bins with an estimated outlay of Rs. 9. 6 lakhs. IMPACT OF INTERVENTION . Increase in area and production of field crops. . Decreased dependence on destructive jhuming practices. . Improved level of Self-sufficiency in cereals, oil seeds, pulses. . Improvement of farming knowledge and farming skill of the tribal farmers. . Increase in irrigation potential and food production through power pump & power tiller apart from creation o f more than 300 direct and indirect employment avenues. . Better knowledge of eco friendly and green methods of cultivation through IPM (integrated pest management) practices. 3000 farmers will be benefited. Discouragement of jhuming, encouragement of sustainable permanent cultivation practices. Likelihood of more jhum areas to come under settled cultivation. . Introduction of scientific grain storage facility for the first time in N. C. Hills and almost 200 farmers families will be benefited . It is proposed to bring 960 ha. of land from age old destructive jhum. Abstract of all the schemes mentioned above is shown below. SL. No. NAME OF SCHEMES 1st Year TARGET 2nd. Year TARGET 3rd. Year TOTAL REMARKS COMPONENT PHY (ha) FIN(Rs .in Lakh) PHY (ha) FIN (Rs in Lakh. PHY (ha) FIN(Rs. in Lakh) PHY(ha) FIN(in Lakh) 1. Area expn. of Sugar cane at Zone I Area expansion of Potato for all three Zones. Area expansion of Mustard for Zone I, II. 200 50 70 76. 52 20. 51 6. 27 200 50 70 76. 52 20. 51 6. 27 200 50 70 76. 52 20. 51 6. 27 600 150 210 229. 56 61. 53 18. 81 Around 600 sugarcane farmers would be benefited and substantial Jhoom degraded area would be brought under Settled cultivation. 2. Gur Production unit equipped with Sugarcane Power crusher and accessories and infrastructure. 20 nos 20. 00 20 nos. 20. 00 20 nos. 20. 00 60 nos. 60. 00 60 nos. of self help group consisting of more than 10 farmers each would be engaged in productive activity and Economic status of the District would be upgraded. 3. Minor Lift Irrigation cultivation for Field crops like Paddy, Sugarcane, Mustard etc. with 5 H. P Diesel Power pump, Planting materials, Pamphlets etc  · Diesel Power Pump. . Planting materials, Pamphlets etc 100 nos. 22. 00 10. 00 2. 50 100 nos 22. 00 10. 00 2. 50 100 nos 22. 00 10. 00 2. 50 300 nos. . 66. 00 30. 00 7. 50 60 (sixty) nos of self help groups consisting of 10 members each would be engaged for success fully implementing the scheme and additional areas of Jhoom degraded areas would be brought under settled and permanent cultivation.. Farmers Training & motivational scheme for Training & Motivating the farming community To decrease dependence on Jhooming and encourage them to adopt sustainable & permanent ways of cultivation through Integrated pest management (IPM)and integrated nutrient management training(INM) . Purchase of 200 numbers of Metal Seed Bin for storage of foodgrains with protection from storage pests and distribution among farmers. Purchase of Mobile Soil Testing Kit for field level on the spot assessment of soil fertility status for adjudging accurate nutrient requirement of crop 25 nos. f 7 (seven) days Traini-ng each batch consisting of 40 nos. of farmers 70 nos. @ Rs. 4800/- 25 nos 3. 75 3. 41 7. 5 25 nos. of (seven) days training each batch consisting of 40 nos. of farmers 70 nos Nil 3. 75 3. 41 Nil 25 nos. of 7 (seven) days training each batch Consisting of 40 nos. of farmers 60 nos. Nil 3. 75 3. 41 Nil 75 nos. 200 nos. 25 11. 25 10. 23 7. 5 Necessary technical know-how would be imparted to th e farming community so as to enable them to successfully implement the schemes envisaged in the RSVY project. Scientific food grain storage will be introduced for the first time in the District and 200 farming families will be benefited. Soil testing kit would benefit a large Number of farmers covering all the development blocks. 4. 5. 6. Total 172. 46 164. 96 164. 46 502. 38 Horticulture Horticulture is the main occupation of the people in the district of N,C, Hills and 80% of the cultivable land is suitable for horticultural crops and potential of horticultural development is highly promising owing to suitable agro climatic condition. ONGOING SCHEMES. . Intensive horticultural development project. lHDP) . Development of progeny orchard. . . Potato Development scheme. CONSTRAINTS AND GAP These schemes are implemented by utilizing state sector plan fund. Inadequate and stagnant fund provision acts as obstacle in the road of vast potential of horticultural development. Area expansion under horticultural crop faces with the problem of marketing as all produce are perishable and farmers are at the mercy of the middleman due to absence of marketing infrastructure and non-existent road communication network. Nearest market for sell of produce is often 4-5hours walk through difficult terrain. Absence of canning and preservation industry does not guarantee any support price for the horticultural produce. Dissemination alarming technology and knowledge through the extension mechanism is also hampered due to the above-mentioned reason. Vast untapped potential for horticultural development exists and to realize the potential extensive training and motivation coupled with exposure and study tour inside and outside the state and incentive for area expansion of existing successful crops and introduction of high value, less perishable, low in quantity crops like cashew nut, black pepper should be provided to the farming community. Keeping in view the above conditions the following schemes are being proposed for implementation for the development of N. C. Hills. PROPOSED INTERVENTION UNDER RSVY . Area expansion of banana, pineapple, moushambi, litchi, areca nut in Zone-I covering an area of 100 ha is proposed with an estimated outlay of 22 lakhs. For Zone-III covering area of 100 ha for proposed orange plantation @ Rs. 22,000 per ha. Estimated outlay is around Rs. 22 Lakhs. . Canning and fruit preservation facility with estimated outlay of Rs. 47. 04 lakhs is being proposed. . Horticulture kit containing essential orchard management items, for 800 orchard owners @ Rs. 800 per kit with a total outlay of Rs. 22. 40 Lakhs. . Introduction of mushroom cultivation among tribal farmers to be implemented with an estimated outlay of Rs20. 77 lakhs. . Project of vermicompost production at block level with an estimated outlay of 15. 00 lakhs. . Plant protection scheme for arresting citrus decline and citrus rejuvenation w ith financial outlay of Rs. 23. 75 lakhs. . Establishment of 5 nos. of Horticulture nursery @ Rs. 3. 5 lakhs each. . Procurement of 500 nos. of tree sprayers @ Rs. 2000 each for distribution among orchard owners. Total outlay Rs. 0 Lakhs. The SHG would be formed in Jatinga, Dehangi, Harangajao, Mahur, Maibang area where land is suitable for Horticultural Crops and beneficiaries of these would be benefited. IMPACT OF INTERVENTION . Overall increase in area and production of horticultural crops thus benefiting the farming community by increasing their economic threshold. . Nutritional requirements of the rural as well as urban population would be effectively met thus improving quality of life. . Area expansion of different fruit crops is expected to generate temporary employment of 5000 mandays per year. Mushroom production vermicompost production project are expected to increase self employment opportunities among the local rural people. . Fruit canning and preservation centres is ex pected to provide around 150-200 direct and indirect avenue. . Establishment of horticultural nursery has the potential of generating around 5000 mandays every year. . Citrus rejuvenation project is expected to generate around 6000 mandays per year. Marketing as we all recognize, plays a pivotal role in agriculture and more precisely so for horticultural crops which are generally perishable in nature. To strengthen the marketing infrastructure so as to ensure remunerative prices to the farmers of N. C. Hills of their products urgent steps needed to be taken. PROPOSED INTERVENTION UNDER RSVY . Construction of Market shed in registered rural market with an estimated outlay of Rs, 7. 5 Lakhs. . Construction of market stall with a total out lay of Rs. 6. 00 Lakhs. . All the schemes under horticulture will be executed through SHGs giving priority on area expansion of horticultural crops and canning. SL. No. NAME OF SCHEMES 1st Year TARGET 2nd. Year TARGET 3rd. Year TOTAL REMARKS COMPONENT PHY (ha) FIN(Rs . in Lakh) PHY (ha) FIN(Rs In Lakh. PHY (ha) FIN(Rs. in Lakh) PHY (ha) FIN(in Lakh) 1. Area expn. of Horticulture crops For Zone I : Proposal for area expansion under banana, Pineapple, Mousambi, Litchi,, arecanut, Rs. 22000/- per ha. For Zone III: Proposal for area expansion under khasi mandarin orange at jatinga, Laisong & Retzol area ha. @ 22000/- per ha. 40 40 8. 8 8. 8 40 40 8. 8 8. 8 20 20 4. 4 4. 4 100 100 22 22 The proposed scheme is capable of generating more than 2000 mandays per year. 2. Estabilishment of canning and fruit preservation centre at Boro Haflong 1 Nos. 47. 40 4740 Apart from providing farmers with remunerative support prices for their product. This project can generate sizable employment opportunities both direct and indirect. 3. Mushroom development Scheme 1 Nos. 20. 76 1 Nos. 20. 76 The project would be implemented through 10 nos. of SHG selected from villages situated around Haflong Town and spawn lab facility compost production centre 4. 5. 6. 7. Production of Vermicompost Citrus rejuvenation schemes @ Rs. 47850 per ha Etablishment of small nursery for production of quality of planting materials @ Rs. 3. 5 Lakhs each. Per ha. Purchase of tree sprayer for use in horticulture @ Rs. 2000 each Total 5 units 10 ha 2 nos. 100 nos. 5. 00 4. 78 7. 00 2. 00 83. 78 2 units 10 Ha. 2 nos. 100 nos. 2. 00 4. 78 7. 00 2. 00 54. 14 2 units 10 Ha. 1 nos. 100 nos. 2. 00 4. 78 3. 50 2. 00 21. 08 9 units 30 Ha. 3 ha 300 nos. 9. 00 14. 34 17. 5 6. 00 159. 00 Around 300 employment opportunities will be created apart from the main product. 500 Nos. of orange growers will be benefited and 6000 nos. of mandays will be created every year. Around 6000 mandays will be created every year. 5oo farmers family will be benifited _MINOR IRRIGATION There are 19 (nineteen) M. I. schemes brought under irrigation coverage up to March / 2004 is 36. 0% of the total cultivable area. The remaining 63. 50 % of the cultivable area is dependent on rainfall which is scanty. Further there is some rain shadow areas where average rainfall is only 1000 mm. There are 19 (nineteen ) Nos. of completed flow schemes with a command area of 1194 ha. And 16 Nos. of completed Water Harvest schemes with total command area of 29 6 ha. under this Division. Further, there are 14 (fourteen) Nos. of ongoing schemes covering 1553 ha. New Minor Irrigation schemes (Flow) for acute rain shadow areas have been proposed under RSVY programme with an allocation of Rs. 148. 74 lakhs . CONSTRAINTS AND GAPS. Considerable Nos. of M. I . schemes which were completed long back are in defunct position . Lacking in flow of fund from the State Sector restricts the strengthening and repairing of old schemes . INTERVENTION. 1. It is proposed to take up 8 (eight ) nos. of flow Irrigation scheme with an amount of Rs. 148. 74 lakhs specially in rain shadow area for livelihood of the poor tribal people whose only source of income is agriculture. With these new schemes 359 ha. of land will be brought under irrigation providing benefit to 308 Nos. of families. Mandays will be generated to the tune of 98,486 nos. IMPACT: 1. 1. 00 lakhs mandays will be generated by rejuvenation of 8 (eight) nos. of Minor Flow Irrigation schemes. 2. 355 ha. of cultivable area will be brought under irrigation . 3. Total 315 nos. families will be benefited. 4. With the propose M. I. Schemes, the traditional â€Å"Jhum Cultivation† of the tribal people will be discouraged through† Wet Cultivation† which will help in conserving the natural forest land and maintaining ecological balance 5. Water users association will be formed with beneficiary group and they will require to pay users fees as O & M Cost for sustainability of the project. . Details of Irrigation schemes: All the new schemes proposed under RSVY are flow irrigation schemes and are duly approved by N. C. Hills Autonomous Council, Haflong. Water is proposed to be tapped from the surface source like nullah or canals and hilly stream by constructing non-permeable C. C. Bundh across the source and carrying water to the ultimate point of c onsumption through Canals and Water courses. Hydraulic structures like aqueduct, cross drainage structures and drop structures are proposed in the respective detailed estimates on which administrative approval is received from N. C. Hills Autonomous Council, Haflong. Design parameters of each structures are technically examined. Water users society would be formed in the line of SHG and cost of maintenance of these schemes would be born by the water users societies. Under all these irrigation schemes water users associations shall be set up. Beneficiaries Contribution, either by own finance or Bank finance. Flow Irrigation Scheme Sl. No. Name of Development Block Name of Scheme with nature of work Area be Irrigated (Ha. ) Estimated amount (Rs. in lakhs) 1 Harangajao block 1. Dimbrudisa I/S i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 22 20. 00 2. Donlou I/S. (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 12 12. 00 3. Lower Rekho I/S (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. ( ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 20 18. 05 2. Jatinga Valley Dev. Block. 1. Moucher I/S. (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 20 19. 00 2. Laisong I/S. (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 22 31. 00 3. Longma I/S. (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 30 17. 50 3. Diyungbra Block Phongjadisa Nalla I/S (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 30 19. 08 Water Harvest Scheme from mishikong Nalla (i) Construction of Head work with appurtenant structures. (ii) Constn. Of Canal system. (iii) Constn. Of Hydraulic structures (iv) Constn. Of approach road 20 12. 11 4. Maibang Sub-divison 1. Nobaidisa I/S (i) Construction of Head Work (ii) Constn. Of Canal system (iii) Constn. Of Canal structures (iv) River Bank Protection work 290 15. 00 2. Purana Maibang I/S (i) Head Work (ii) Cross drainage work (iii) Canal System 120 11. 62 3. Kalachand Ph. I I/S (i) Head Work (ii) Cross drainage work (iii) Canal System 600 13. 38 4. Wadrengdisa (i) Head Work (ii) Cross drainage work (iii) River bank Protection work 120 15. 00 5. Delen I/S (i) Head Work (ii) Canal System 70 7. 00 6. Tongikro I/S (i) Construction of Head Work (ii) Constn. Of Canal system (iii) Constn. Of Canal structures 90 8. 00 Total 14 nos. 1466 ha 218. 74 YEARWISE PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL TARGET PROPOSED Physical : Numbers Financial Rs. in Lakhs Scheme 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total Phy. Fin Phy. Fin Phy. Fin Phy. Fin Newly proposed Flow Irrigantio scheme. 5 75. 36 4 57. 00 5 86. 38 14 218. 74 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY Animal Husbandry and Veterinary programmes comes next to Agriculture towards improving the Socio-economic condition of the N. C. Hills people. These activities have acquired special importance in the N. C. Hills areas of Assam for their potentiality and providing alternative occupation to the Jhuming Families. The tempo achieved in the area of the Poultry, Piggery, Cattle, and Goatery are encouraging. To up-grade the indigenous stock of Cattle, A. I. and Natural services are continuing besides training programmes. Present Status # The Projected livestock population of N. C. Hills is shown below : Livestock and Poultry Total 1. Cattle # 97341 Nos. 2. Buffalo # 24266 Nos. 3. Goat # 19503 Nos. 4. Sheep # 186 Nos. 5. Poultry # 153265 Nos. 6. Pig # 24068 Nos. 7. Dog # 45,523 Nos. (SOURCE – National Livestock Survey 1997) Following are the ongoing schemes in the district : 1. Administrative organization to strengthen Administrative machineries both at head quarter and district level – 03 Nos. 2. Veterinary Aid Centre – 01 scheme 3. Veterinary Dispensary– 01 scheme 4. R. P. Check Post and Vigilance unit–01 scheme 5. Pig Farm –01 scheme 6. Pig Seed Farm Project –01 scheme 7. Cattle Breeding project –01 scheme 8. Mini I. C. D. P. –01 scheme 9. Poultry Farm –01 scheme 10. Broiler Unit –01 scheme 11. Marketing Org. (Livestock) –01 scheme 12. Fooder Farm –01 scheme 3. Feed Mixing Plant –01 scheme 14. Distbn. Pig, Poultry, Cattle and Duck– 03 Nos. 15. Farmers training in Cattle, Poultry, Piggery and Duck – 03 Nos. 16. Training of Institution Vety. Science — 01 nos. 17. Rural Dairy Creamery Center/ Rural Dairy Center – 02 Nos. This district being the habitat of 13 ST(H) groups are basically dependent on Agriculture and allied activities like Animal Husbandry & Vety. It is the place where more than 90% of people take meat, fish, egg etc. The middle classes and elites used to keep dogs as a status symbol and also as requirement for watching. They are found to have taken the pups of improved varieties like Doberman, German shepherds, Labradors etc. from outside like Calcutta. The chevon (goat) is also a delicious food which is however taken as important dish by the tribal as well as non-tribal people of the district. The piggery is an important and unavoidable livestock of the district as the pig meat is very popular in the district and as well as it has a wide demand in the areas of our neighbourhood in Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur etc. Constraints & Gaps: 1. Non availability of good quality breed. 2. Scarcity of quality feed. . Lack of scientific knowledge of rearing pig, poultry and goatery etc. with advanced scientific know how. 4. Transport Communication bottlenecks. 5. Non-availability of feed supplements, medicine, equipments etc. 6. Financial shortage. Intervention: Under the above condition we would like to propose the intervention of SDA under RSVY to meet up the deficiencies. Interventions: 1. It is therefore planned to take up establishment of 35 nos. of broiler units with an allocation of Rs. 32. 90 lakhs to benefit 350 people by generating self employment to 35 SHG which will be monitored by A. H. Vety. Deptt. 2. It is proposed to establish 35 nos. of poultry layer birds of improved varieties in the district like commercial birds of varieties like BV 380, golden christen etc. with an allocation of Rs. 87. 50 lakhs. @ Rs. 2. 5 lakhs per unit which will be benefited by generating sustained self employment to 35X10 =350 persons organized into 35 SHG. 3. With the intervention of SDA under RSVY it is proposed to allocate Rs. 72,90,000. 00 for establishing 25 nos. of pig unit @ Rs. 2,91,600 per unit and this will benefit 250 persons with sustained self employment by organizing them into 25 SHG. . Under SDA(RSVY) it is proposed to establish 10 nos. of goat unit in the areas representing different ST communities with an allocation of Rs. 19. 50 lakhs @ Rs. 109,500. 00. This will be nefit 100 persons by creating sustained self employment and will be organized into 10 SHG for maintenance after proper training to be conducted by the A. H. & Vety. Deptt. 5. As the keeping of dog is felt necessary by the middle classes and upper middle classes of N. C. Hills, Karbi Anglong, Barak Valley and Guwahati it is proposed to establish 5(five) modern dog breeding units with an allocation of Rs. ,37,400/ by which 50 persons organized into 5 SHG will get sustained self employment. The annual return of these 5 farms will be around Rs 15 lakhs. 6. In order to maintain standard feeds for the above mentioned livestock units establishment of a feed mill is felt inevitable. This feed mill is being proposed with an allocation of Rs. 1,38,00,000( Ruppes One Crore thirty eight lakhs). This will benefit 1100 nos. of AH & Vety growers and 110SHG will get direct benefit of self employment and this will definitely benefit more than 1 lakhs individuals indirectly with the supply of quality Vety. Products. Necessary arrangements for vety. care services are planned accordingly with the additive provisions of SGSY. Following Schemes are approved under RSVY. Sl. NO. Name of scheme Justification Rs. In lakhs. 01 02 03 04 01 Esstt. of Poultry Broiler Unit Modernisation of infrastructure to increase capacity of producing input, i. e. , meat and egg for the consumer and farmers of the district as well as to the neighbouring areas. 32. 85 02 Esstt. of Poultry Commercial layer Unit Modernization of existing infrastructure to increase capacities for producing input, meat & egg for the consumer & farmers of the district besides training and demonstration programme of Unemployed Youth. 87. 35 03 Esstt. of Pig Unit To modernize the existing infrastructure with view to produce upgrade inputs to supply the local breeds. This will also produce additional required pork besides demonstration & training of the farmers. 90. 77 04 Esstt. of goat Unit Project for goat farming with a view to meet the demand of mutton of the district as well as the neighbouring areas for income generation of the local people. 0. 95 05 Esstt. Of Dog breeding Unit To meet the demand of improve varieties of dogs in Haflong and other places as people use to bring dogs from outside the states. 13. 37 06 Esstt. Of Modern feed mixing plant At present cattle feed is brought from Guwahati which cost more. The new plant shall be able to supply cattle feed at a reasonable rate to all the rural places of the district. 104. 00 07 Esstt. Of fodder Farm With a view to produce green grass, seeds for farmers. 3. 00 Total 342. 29 Details of the Veterinary Schemes All these units shall be established through SHG and co-operative farm. The SHG shall continue finance either by own contribution or bank finance for maintenance of the farm. The concerned department shall only guide and supervise the establishment and maintenance of these units and they are organized into Groups for better supervision. ESTABLISHMENT OF POULTRY UNITS Poultry eggs and meat are the important sources as high quality protein to balance the diet of common people. Poultry farming can provide gainful employment if done on a commercial scale to harness the tremendous market potential in the District. Though the district has a moderately favourable climate for Poultry farming, particularly commercial broilers and commercial layer activity has not made any significant progress, due to lack of enthusiasm among the farming community as well as due to non-availability of critical in puts at right time. Further, majority of the population are under ( small units ) as made good progress due to the favourable environment availability in the district. The existing infrastructure and allocation the existing poultry Farm, Haflong can not meet the entire demand. As such new farms requires to be established and proposed the following amount for taking up the progress in phase manner. Establishment of Poultry Units Sl. No. Unit Break-up 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total 1 35 Construction of Poultry sheds 15. 00 Lakhs 2. 85 Lakhs Nil 17. 85 Lakhs 2 Working Capital chicks / feed/ medicine etc. Nil 7. 50 Lakhs 7. 50 lakhs 15. 00 lakhs Total 15. 00 Lakhs 10. 35 Lakhs 7. 50 lakhs 32. 85 lakhs Establishment of Poultry Layer Commercial Unit The Commercial layer bird will start laying egg from the age of 4 months and lays egg up to 300 nos. per year till 18 months of age weighing 2. kg. The egg can also be sold at Rs. 1. 5 per egg and as such one layer can earn Rs. 450. 00 per year apart from the meat. Thus a farm may earn eggs 2. 85,000 nos. per year and total production of meat 20. 9 quintals. The Farm will serve as productive as well as practical demonstration farm from the trainees of this district with a total allocation of Rs. 180 lacs there is the proposal for production of meat sufficient for the district. Sl. No. Unit Break-up 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total 1 35 Construction of Poultry sheds 15. 00 Lakhs 2. 85 Lakhs Nil 17. 85 Lakhs 2 Working capital chicks / feed/ medium etc. Nil 34. 75 Lakhs 34. 75 Lakhs 69. 50 lakhs Total 15. 00 Lakhs 37. 60 Lakhs 34. 75 Lakhs 87. 35 lakhs Establishment of Pig Unit Pig rearing is common among the farmers in the district, majority of farmers being small & marginal, those activities are able to provide them supplementary income. The activities are thriving in the district due to the excellent demand for the pork and meat. The existing Pig Farm, Haflong can not meet the demand of pork & piging for the farmers & public. The following requirement of fund are proposed for new programme of Pig Farm, Haflong. Establishment of Pig Unit Sl. No. Unit Break-up 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total 1 25 Construction of sheds for Pig 20. 00 lakhs 31. 00 Lakhs Nil 51. 00 Lakhs 2 Purchase of animal Nil 6. 00 Lakhs 4. 25 Lakhs 10. 25 lakhs 3 Working expenditure Nil 15. 00 Lakhs 14. 52 Lakhs 29. 52 Lakhs Total 90. 77 Lakhs PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF GOAT UNIT INTRODUCTION : The North Cachar Hills District of Assam with Geographical area of 488800 hectors. 01. East # Nagaland and Manipur State. 02. West # Meghalaya State of a part of Karbi-Anglong 03. North # Nowgaon District 04. South # Cachar District 05. Height # 3117 feets ( Haflong ) The climatic conditions according to geographical location is suitable for esstt. Of Goat Project in N. C. Hills District. The evergreen grass and natural trees welcoming goat rearing in this hilly areas. There are sufficient fellow and waste land with green grass where goat project can be established. STRATEGY # The hill people generally take meat as their protein food local stock of goat are not available to meet the growing demand of meat. Establishment Goat Unit Sl. No. Unit Break-up 2004-05 2005-06 006-07 Total 1 10 Construction of sheds etc 2. 00 Lakhs 1. 22 Lakhs Nil 3. 22 Lakhs 2 Cost of animal (a) Buck (Beeta) @ 2000/- two Nos. for each unit (b) Doe @ 900/- 50 Nos. for each unit Nil 3. 00 Lakhs 1. 90 Lakhs 4. 90 lakhs 3 Working expenditure Nil 2. 00 Lakhs 0. 83 Lakhs 2. 83 Lakhs Total 10. 95 Lakhs LAND # At least 250/ 300 bighas of land are to be required for infrastructure facilities, Fodder plot and for grazing la nd. The site is required near the river or spring for water supply facility. COMMUNICATION # The site is required where road communication facilities are available. POWER SUPPLY # This is also necessary near site for taking up power supply to the project. MARKETTING FACILITIES # N. C. Hills itself is a good market for meat and input. The surplus stock can be sold nearby Meghalaya state Silchar, Nagaon or at Guwahati. STAFF # 01 (one) officer, 01 S. V. F. A. , 02 V. F. A. 01 Accountant, 01 LDA and 03 grade IV staff can be placed from the existing staff of the deptt. But 03 nos. technicians for processing of meat, preparation of wool etc. are to be sent for training from the existing staff. MODERN DOG BREEDING UNIT The middle classes and the upper middle class use to keep dogs as a status symbol and also as requirement for watching. They are found to have taken the pups of improved varieties from out side the state. And attempt has been made through this scheme to breed improved varieties of dogs. Sl. No. Unit Break-up 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total 1 10 Construction of dog house 5. 00 Lakhs 2. 85 Lakhs Nil 7. 85 Lakhs 2 Purchase of breeder Dogs – (a) German Shepherd @ 10,000 each (b) Doverman @ 10,000 each (c) Labrador @ 10,000 each Nil 2. 50 Lakhs Nil 2. 50 lakhs 3 Working expenditure, food medium etc. Nil 1. 1 Lakhs 1. 51 Lakhs 3. 02 Lakhs Total 13. 37 Lakhs FEED MIXING PLANT The Govt. Feed Mixing Plant at Haflong has been established with a view to supply balanced feed at a reasonable price to the departmental farms and other private farmers of N. C. Hills District. At present, the plant is supplying feeds to the only Govt. Pig-cum-Poultry Farm, Haflong and other small private farms o f N. C. Hills District. In a short period of time the plant has become popular particularly to the Farms of the District as they are giving more profit by procuring feeds from this Feed Mixing Plant. The nos. of pig of the Govt. Pig-cum-Poultry has increased to 3 times more within 1 year of inception of this plant. As there is one new Govt. Pig Farm called Pig seed production project, Umrangso is going to begin recently and numerous small private farmers are coming-up under the sponsorship of DRDA in N. C. Hills. Now the Feed Mixing Plant may not be able to meet the entire demand of supplying feeds as it is increasing day by day. Further, the requirement for establishment of Dairy demonstration farm, Haflong will also be proposed in this plant. As such, more fund for purchase of ingredient and supplement are necessary to increase production yearly. The following schemes to increase production id proposed. The proposed Modern Feed Mixing Plant will be set up on co-operative basis organizing the SHGs in to a co-operative unit. ESTABLISHMENT OF MODERN FEED MIXING PLANT Sl. No. Scheme 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total 01 Construction of feed mixing plant building 30. 00 Lakhs 18. 00 Lakhs Nil 48. 00 Lakhs 02 Purchase of Equipment and machineries 18. 00 Lakhs 6. 00 Lakhs Nil 24. 00 Lakhs 03 Materials and supply Nil 22. 00 Lakhs Nil 22. 00 Lakhs 04 Transportation 5. 00 lakhs 5. 00 lakhs Nil 10. 00 Lakhs Total 104. 00 lakhs ESTABLISHMENT OF FODDER FARM A Fodder Farm with a view to produce green grass, seed and for demonstration purchases for the farmers and for departmental farms is most essential. To establish this farm the follow land of the existing farm of Pig-cum-Poultry Farm is to be utilized in a scientific manner. The following scheme is prepared for establishment of the farm. For the time being 05 (five) bighas of land are to be utilized for the farm. Scheme is prepared as follows :- Sl. No. Unit Scheme 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total Rs. (in Lakhs) 01. 1 Reclamation of Land 1. 00 Nil Nil 1. 00 02. Purchases of seeds 0. 50 0. 20 0. 20 0. 90 3. Irrigation facilities 0. 50 Nil Nil 0. 50 04. Maintenance cost Nil 0. 30 0. 30 0. 60 Total 2. 00 0. 50 0. 50 3. 00 TRAINING AND RESOURCE CENTRE WITH ACCOMMODATIONS AND COMPUTER FACILITIES The government department and the NGO’s have been trying to uplift the rural masses by providing many inputs, but since the district does not have a proper training and resource centre the govt . officials and the NGOs become ill equipped to impart training as well as acquire training. Objective: The objective of establishing a training and Resource centre with accommodation and computer facilities are as follows. ) To provide training on livelihood issued to jhum cultivators. b) Rural Technology centre. c) Support to NGOs and SHGs d) District Resource Centre. e) E-commerce. TRAINING AND RESOURCE CENTRE WITH ACCOMMODATIONS AND COMPUTER FACILITIES Sl. No. Unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total 01. 01 Construction of Building for Centre 20 Lakhs 13. 00 Lakhs Nil 33. 00 lakhs 02. Electrifacilities/ Water Supply Nil 2. 00 Lakhs Nil 2. 00 Lakhs 03. Furniture’s Nil 3. 00 Lakhs Nil 3. 00 Lakhs 04. Computer/ Printer Scanner/ T. V. / LCD Projector etc. Nil 12. 10 Lakhs Nil 12. 10 Lakhs Total 20. 00 Lakhs 30. 10 Lakhs